I'm quite a shy person.

I try to space out my films.

I don't want to be typecast.

As an actor, I go with the flow.

Items numbers have become a part of movies.

I am the son of Punjab-da-puttar after all.

If you're healthy, you feel good about life.

Every actor believes in his way of performing.

It is always great to work with Papa and bhaiya.

Social media can blow anything out of proportion.

I believe you must enjoy every phase of your life.

In 'Poster Boys,' every character is well defined.

Yes, I do believe that human beings are not perfect.

Stage shows help you meet the audiences face-to-face.

We Deols think from the heart. We lack business acumen.

My two sons adore me. They've made me more responsible.

Not working makes you ill, sad, depressed. It ages you.

I am not superhuman, and we all feel insecure at times.

I've become a huge fan of small films and realistic roles.

I do discuss things with him, but as a father, not a friend.

I'm very chilled out and like to take things at my own pace.

I can't think of any actor who doesn't have a flop in his career.

Isn't nearly every Hindi film a rehash of some movie or the other?

I have seen both versions of 'The Italian Job' and loved both of them.

You never know what clicks at the box office. It's very unpredictable.

Ideally, I'd like to keep a balance between action and romantic roles.

Suneel Darshan is the kind of director I'd want to work with repeatedly.

I learn from my family. And it's not like I learn from them on the sets only.

My dad is a true man. A man's man. Every manly thing he does, he does so well.

You can't say that I am choosy. You can say that I work in few films at a time.

My father and brother always forced me to work out, and I never liked doing it.

There are films which are good, but sometimes it doesn't work at the box office.

I'm a chilled-out guy, and I really like sports and to play badminton and squash.

I know a lot of actors use media just to garner publicity. I keep away from all this.

Being a parent is a huge responsibility. Your child becomes the centre of your world.

Living up to the Deol surname means being tough, and this is a big challenge in itself.

I don't want to do just anything on screen and get frustrated watching myself in a film.

I don't want to create any particular kind of image; I just want to do different types of films.

I agree I was rash and got totally out of hand when I was a teenager, but I took hold of my life.

Good films will run, and people will watch it irrespective of whether it is suspense or a comedy.

You can be happy when you feel happy from inside, and when you have worked, you are your happiest.

I believe that everyone has good days and bad days, but you can't let the bad times beat you down.

I don't believe in pushing myself in this industry where people do anything to gain what they want.

I have done so many films in which either I have been the main lead or part of the supporting cast.

Fathers always give tips. My dad also gives me, but at the end, he says the decision has to be mine.

Our entire family is shy. Apart from film promotions, we do not believe in staying in the limelight.

Dad's easy to get along with. He always has suggestions, and I'm more than happy to be guided by him.

The entire team of 'Race 3' is really happy because the film is doing good business at the box office.

I disliked people calling me a chocolate hero initially, as I wanted to explore other genres of acting.

I'm lucky to have such an illustrious family. We love each other and have immense respect for each other.

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