Bobby Roode is amazing.

WWE is there for the soldiers.

I was a business management major.

I've had no documented concussions.

A lot of people in MMA do part-time jobs.

The only way to survive is to get back up.

I got to fight off haters on a regular basis.

Pro wrestling has absolutely helped my fighting.

I don't eat for pleasure; I eat for performance.

I know I can wrestle a lot longer than I can fight.

I am really simple with diets. I say feed your frame.

I was excited 'Maxim' wanted me to be in Expert Fitness.

WWE is not just about fighting; we're about the community.

I'm not covering up. I don't need a t-shirt on to go wrestle.

I don't want to be bothered when I'm stretching. I need to focus.

MMA - for me, it was something that I needed to challenge myself.

Once you catch that fever of wrestling, you really can't get it out.

Anything can happen in a fight, and anything can happen in training.

Samoa Joe is great at kickboxing; he's super aggressive - he's tough.

I'm a father, and that is the absolute most important thing in my life.

I love what I do. I love the competition of fighting. And I love to wrestle.

When you put wrestlers on TV, they're the highest professionals in the business.

Wrestling has taken me on a ride and a love affair. I absolutely enjoy wrestling.

Everybody else has the same 24 hours, but I'm going to make the most of my 24 hours.

I love wrestling, and of course WWE is the main stage, but I'm happy to be with TNA.

Everybody wants to be a critic: a critic without the actual accolades to be a critic.

When people underestimate or think my success has come easily, that doesn't bother me.

I've never been a politics guy in wrestling; I'm just someone who came out and worked.

I don't know which one is harder - going from MMA to wrestling or from wrestling to MMA.

Whether it's MMA or wrestling, I try to find the best people and go after the best people.

Every time I go out there, I have something to prove. Something more, something different.

When I go to Japan, they don't care if you win or lose; they just want to see a good fight.

I like Canada. The fans here are great. It's always good to come up here with some good energy.

A.J. Styles is great - he's a great performer - so I'm not going to take anything away from him.

I want that fight with Brock Lesnar. I don't care if it's the ring, the cage, or in a street fight.

I train hard. A lot of people that I train with, they get blown away by how hard I'm able to train.

If you want to go for the title, you go for the title, and you fight. You don't run away; you fight.

A lot of people look at me as such a nice guy; they don't understand how dangerous I can actually be.

I don't spoil myself on extravagant cars or spending money on jewelry. So I save a lot of the money I have.

Eric Young is phenomenal. Bobby Roode - every time I get in the ring with those guys, it's almost like magic.

I was a part of the largest WrestleMania ever, so I know how to feed off the energy from the crowd in my fights.

I'd like to someday possibly come out with a workout video or even a manual just to teach people the things I know.

One of the best things I've ever been told is that it's better for someone to tell you to slow down than to speed up.

You can scout people as much as you want. At the end of the day, it's a fight, so you got to be ready for almost anything.

There's no secret I love professional wrestling. It's not just the money all the time, I love wrestling, and I love fighting.

In order to resist injuries and stay healthy, you have to be mobile and agile. You have to be able to have your body work for you.

I'm a product of amateur wrestling, and there is no one there to help you with matches or win matches - you have to do it yourself.

I grew up kind of rough, without very much. So, I just want to work as hard as I can so my kids won't have to go through what I did.

If somebody has something negative to say, I'm a very - I won't say introverted, because I'm not introverted - I'm a very, just, calm person.

I can't even begin to entertain another wrestler's perception of me if they don't understand what my fans look for in me. I'm different; I'm different.

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