Reverence invites Revelation

If you stumble, rise up, go on.

Prayer is your personal key to heaven.

How grateful we are for you, our youth.

Things we cannot solve, we must survive.

Progression: you can start from where you are.

Some things that are true are not very useful.

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

Happily ever after never happens in the second act.

Our competition in life is solely with our old self.

The Spirit is a voice that one feels more than hears.

The flak is always the heaviest closest to the target

The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection.

Mature love has a bliss not even imagined by newlyweds.

One who can control his thoughts has conquered himself.

The guilt that accompanies mistakes can be washed away.

Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief.

Take hold of your life and order yourself to be valiant.

Hit the 'delete' button when you have unrighteous thoughts.

Happiness is inseparably connected with decent, clean behavior.

Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected.

Christ's mercy is the mighty healer; even to the wounded innocent.

We are not free to break our covenants and escape the consequences.

There are spiritual and physical laws to obey if we are to be happy.

It has to be an awfully good meeting to beat having no meeting at all.

Often, very often, we are punished as much by our sins as we are for them.

However common irreverence and profanity become, they are nonetheless wrong

Despite the opposition, trials, and temptations, you need not fail or fear.

Some suffer from real misfortunes. Sadly, others only imagine that they do.

Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot.

We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see.

Obedience is a powerful spiritual medicine. It comes close to being a cure-all.

No service in the Church or in the community transcends that given in the home.

Faith is the power, obedience the sacrifice, love the means, Christ the reason.

If prayer is to leave the public schools, let the ridicule of prayer leave also.

There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.

Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life.

A testimony is a testimony, and it should be respected, whether it is small or large.

Do not ever disturb prelude music for others, for reverence is essential to revelation

Don't live so that your children go unled because of habits that leave you uninspired.

Freedom is not a self-preserving gift. It has to be earned, and it has to be protected.

Devotion to the family and devotion to the Church are not different and separate things.

The answer is the same for everyone: we must, and we can, resist temptations of any kind.

Most of what we acquire materially is found to not be worth what we must pay spiritually.

To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal.

Punctuality is an essential trait of the teacher. It is a foundation, not an embellishment.

The power of procreation is not an incidental part of the plan; it is the plan of happiness.

Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance.

Music can set an atmosphere of worship which invites [the] spirit of revelation, of testimony.

Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

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