I bite my nails.

Mentors are like friendships.

I do think brands are like people.

I don't see a utopia anywhere for me.

I think that people are innately good.

Apple Music is a living, breathing brand.

I want to hear LeBron James's Uber stories.

I'm a great napper. I nap in a lot of places.

I'm following the path that was destined for me.

Working at Uber, I see opportunity and potential.

I think a lot of women have felt really powerless.

I've broken through many walls and glass ceilings.

Part of our human nature is finding new ways of being.

Brands mean different things for different generations.

I don't curse in front of my daughter. Well, sometimes.

I'm a woman. I'm black. I am passionate. I am transparent.

I firmly believe brand stories are complex and multilayer.

I want to be something that is worthy to be bragged about.

You gotta go with your gut. It will never steer you wrong.

We all know this: Music is such a fundamental part of life.

I'm bold in personality, I'm hella tall, and I'm hella black.

I've never made a move that I didn't feel was right in my gut.

I've never taken the easy route. I don't even know what that is!

I don't have to be an engineer to understand we need female engineers.

Everyone is going to be skeptical if they don't know what is happening.

I am very competitive - with myself and everybody else. I'm petty, too.

We only get better by telling our real story. That's the only way to be.

Don't let the myths make you believe that women don't support other women.

I can't be in an environment that is not conducive to me as a black woman.

Music inspires some feeling in you. That's the same way I think about Uber.

We need better corporate environments. We need better workplaces everywhere.

I love sleep so much. That's the one thing I won't sacrifice. I really cannot.

There's no more exciting moment for me as a brand strategist than a turnaround.

I've always been a black woman in corporate America. I've faced my share of issues.

Risk is the essence of any reward - to try the thing that no one else is willing to try.

Passion should meet your professional life, and I'm a living, breathing testament to that.

I think diversity and having women and people of color in key positions is really important.

Instagram is a blessing - I love to post about everything I'm doing. The explore page is magical.

Even now, when people ask me, 'Why did you take the job at Uber?' I say because my gut told me to.

I think women have a unique talent for being able to see the forest and the trees at the same time.

I really did enjoy my time at Apple - it's a great company, and I really loved building Apple Music.

If our employees are wearing the Uber sweatshirt to the grocery store, that would make me feel great.

I don't even know how to behave without my sleep. I would be a horrible person to be around - cranky.

There is something to be said about taking the risk. We all know that is where the greatest reward is.

Being a black woman in America and the world and in corporate situations is something to be celebrated.

Obviously, as a marketer, I love to work with brands that aren't static, that have life and personality.

Live today as if you don't have tomorrow: my husband was diagnosed and killed by cancer within six months.

Part of innovation is, fake it until you make it. Keep trying things, but it's not just the random trying.

I'm always trying to do things better than I've done them before, do them faster than I've done them before.

We should all be allies to ideas or people or initiatives that we don't necessarily have a real knowledge in.

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