Sometimes you have to change. You know change is always good.

As long as you put me out on the court, I was gonna play hard.

During the lockout year, my focus was the basics, sharpening my moves, my fundamentals.

The harder you work when nobody’s watching the less you bleed when it’s time to perform.

I'm not trying to say that people don't have the right opinion but I have to live my life. And I'm living it and I'm loving it.

I've never really been told my game reflects like I'm from Los Angeles. I'm always told that I have more of an East Coast type game.

Everybody dreams about getting to the NBA and everybody dreams about having their own shoe. But when you're the face of a brand, you've got to kind of back off and let it all soak in a little bit.

I started playing basketball when I was about three years old. After that, everything else just came naturally. I had older cousins that used to let me hang with them, so I got my toughness from them.

Coach Skiles is tough. He's been my only coach in the NBA, so I'm used to it. His rules are a little different at times. At the end of the day, he just wants you to play hard defense, and you can't fault him for that.

I'm going to make decisions that I think are best for me and my family. So, when I make these decisions, of course I'm going to ask people for advice, but at the end of the day, Brandon Jennings makes the decisions. And I feel like the decisions that I've made so far have been successful.

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