Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn ...

Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others.

Choices determine character.

Don't let the brownies bite.

break the rules pay the price

When you have to jump, you jump.

For Frito-Lay!" - Newel and Doren

That was cool.' You're psychotic.

All boys belong in insane asylums.

An unread book does nobody any good

Excruciating agony makes me cranky.

A lie twice believed is self decieved

Patience mimics the power of infinity.

The love of reading can be contagious.

Imagination can take you Places....READ

Hard to call it a party without sardines.

Say no to death pies. Another good motto.

The pendulum swings between Light and Darkness

Fablehaven's awesome!!so is the candy shop war!

Do us all a favor and toss your mouth overboard.

False humility is more insulting than open pride!

Luck has a way of evaporating when you lean on it.

Fantasy leaves imaginations larger than it finds them.

What you call idiot points, I call awesome dollars. ~Seth

Sometimes the best offense was avoiding self-destruction.

Let's worry about fixing the problem instead of the blame.

After all, as long as you know, why make when you can take?

Sometimes the most preposterous lies are the most believable.

One eye is open to all truth, the other closed to all deception.

I will not know that day has come because I will not stop trying.

When jumping is the sole option, you jump, and try to make it work.

Do not threaten the supreme gigantic overlords. We do as we please.

Most pleasures are best as a seasoning, not the main course. p. 374

Everyone should get to clobber a princess at least once," Jason said.

Try as we might to postpone them, days of reckoning inevitably arrive.

My dad says people who insist that youtrust them usually don't deserve it.

For each of us destiny is a blend of potential, circumstances, and choices.

In short, heroism means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences.

Please don't assault me with that meat amalgam. It would surely cause infection

A crossbow?” Pigeon asked. I left my battle-ax in my other jeans,” the man said.

Seth trotted over to Kendra. Bringing good luck as usual It was a weak pass okay

An occasional foray into negative emotions makes feeling normal that much sweeter.

The society killed Kendra." ... Don't mention it to Verl. He might dive into a chasm.

FABLEHAVEN: None who enter will leave unchanged. Trespassers will be turned to stone.

I blush to think of her beholding my work," Verl confessed. So do we," Newel assured him.

Want a reliable road to emotional and spiritual suicide? Spend your life trying to fit in.

We all posses different gifts and abilities. How we use those gifts determines who we are.

Not kill us," Pigeon corrected. "She was mainly just trying to turn us into mindless slaves.

Any simpleton can speak with confidence. Sometimes the greatest fools have the most bravado.

The comforts of life as a fugitive," Drake sighed. "Stumbling about in the dark without mounts.

The baby dove into the room, transforming grotesquely as it landed on the floorin a deft sumersault

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