I love Eighties rock.

I like being different.

Cardio's not really my deal.

I'm sticking true to my roots.

Songwriting is therapeutic for me.

There's no smoke and mirrors here.

A lot of rap music can get repetitive.

Songwriting has always been close to me.

The girls from my hometown are so over me.

My fiancee's the one that's picture worthy.

I always go to my mom's house for Christmas.

I'll flip a stupid tire. But I ain't running.

When it came to rock, I was always drawn to guitars.

I had a CrossFit trainer for two weeks. I fired him.

If you can't live it down, might as well live it up.

I'm not too good at being fake or being somebody else.

Every place you go to, they have their own little flair.

I sing about the things that I don't have conversations about.

If a really, really pretty girl needs a ride home, I'm your guy.

My police record says I went to Panama City, but I don't recall it.

I wrote a song with a guy named Brian McKnight, who's a huge R&B guy.

My mom's an angel, bless her heart, for everything I put her through.

I don't worry about running myself ragged. I worry about being bored.

You meet people in the business and wonder how compassionate they are.

If I'm ever having a good time, I'll write about it so I'll remember it.

I don't write anything that I hadn't experienced or hadn't been through.

We try to put on the same show regardless of what stage or platform we're on.

I've kind of got a rebellious bone. I think I came out of the womb like that.

I take a lot of pride in being able to say that what you see is what you get.

I don't need anything to have a good time or be a hell-raiser. I was born one.

We've got a lot of friends. We take care of them because they take care of us.

Some people wear their heart on their sleeve; I do that in more ways than one.

I am the type of person that likes to put myself in someone's shoes to 'get' it.

Those people are the lifeblood of what we do. We don't have fans. We have friends.

I've been asked a million times to move to Nashville, but I just can't seem to do it.

A lot of things in my life changed, but I'm still a party animal. I'm leading the pack.

I'm a country guy from a small town, you know, and it comes across as real because it is.

The first time I went to Sturgis, I remember thinking, 'This motorcycle thing, this is me.'

We weren't raised to take, we were raised to give the shirt off our back to anyone in need.

I'm honored the folks and Bendon understood why I wanted to work with them and Toys for Tots.

Fame and money and all that - you hear people say it a lot, but they don't mean a thing to me.

Being in Nashville was not me, and I needed to go home and reset before I got in over my head.

We're gonna raise some big bucks and breed 'em and that sorta thing. Pretty excited about that.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is when people that do drink, don't drink around me.

I don't want to release a CD; I want to release the real deal, so we're just gonna take our time.

A lot of people can be cheerleaders for songs and go, 'Oh, that's great,' and they don't think it.

I'm one of the few people I've ever met who is blessed enough to be able to love the one who got away.

For me, a show's a show. I try to put on the best show I can for whatever audience or time slot I get.

I just sit down and write the best song for the best moment, and however it comes out, it is what it is.

I think it's just a conglomerate of everybody's influences that comes out on the record, and live as well.

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