God forgive us-but most of us grew up to be the sort of men our mothers warned us against.

What the hell difference does it make, left or right? There were good men lost on both sides.

Ninety-seven saint days a year wouldn't affect the theater, but two Yom Kippurs would ruin it.

They took away our land, our language, and our religion; but they could never harness our tongues.

A man is fortunate if he encounters living examples of vice, as well as of virtue, to inspire him.

A pedestrian ought to be legally allowed to toss at least one hand grenade at a motorist every day.

There is no human situation so miserable that it cannot be made worse by the presence of a policeman.

At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one's lost self.

The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.

The sun was in mind to come out but having a look at the weather it was in lost heart and went back again.

Shakespeare said pretty well everything and what he left out, James Joyce, with a judge from meself, put in.

When I'm talking to people I like to stop and quote myself. My quotes have a way of spicing up conversation.

A general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles ... it takes your mind off the cost of living.

A quotation in a speech, article or book is like a rifle in the hands of an infantryman. It speaks with authority.

The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you.

I was court-martialled in my absence, and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.

It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody.

New York is my Lourdes, where I go for spiritual refreshment... a place where you're least likely to be bitten by a wild goat.

Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless times you interrupt yourself.

Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.

The English and Americans dislike only some Irish--the same Irish that the Irish themselves detest, Irish writers--the ones that think.

When I came back to Dublin I was courtmartialed in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.

The prospect of success in achieving our most cherished dream is not without its terrors. Who is more deprived and alone than the man who has achieved his dream?

In a society which really supported marriage the wife would be encouraged to go to the office and make love to her husband on the company's time and with its blessing.

Many a man has decided to stay alive not because of the will to live but because of the determination not to give assorted surviving bastards the satisfaction of his death.

The Bible was a consolation to a fellow alone in the old cell. The lovely thin paper with a bit of matress stuffing in it, if you could get a match, was as good a smoke as I ever tasted.

I think weddings are sadder than funerals, because they remind you of your own wedding. You can't be reminded of your own funeral because it hasn't happened. But weddings always make me cry.

I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.

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