I'm not a big fan of rehearsing.

I never liked group work in school.

I do have a lucky pair of underwear.

I like Math because there's only one right answer.

I've never been overseas. I can only imagine what that's like.

Hollywood is full of guys who say one thing, and then do another.

The best roles have risks... and those are the parts I'm interested in.

Just because you have teenagers in a movie doesn't make it a teen movie.

Youll never see a good performance out of me, in terms of a character, when the camera isnt rolling.

You'll never see a good performance out of me, in terms of a character, when the camera isn't rolling.

I love hockey, and I don't love it for any other reason than when I get out there and play, I enjoy it.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, a little bit, but there's a certain maturity level that just comes with experience and growing up.

As an actor, it's exhausting being someone else. It's not physically demanding, but it's mentally demanding, if you do the job the way you should.

I'm really shy with my acting when it's off, because the camera gives me an excuse to be in character, whereas otherwise I would just feel like an idiot.

When you get pure joy out of 'being' rather than 'doing' or 'seeing', that's when you realize how big and unexplainable some things are and being a dad is one of those very few things.

When you get pure joy out of 'being' rather than 'doing' or 'seeing,' that's when you realize how big and unexplainable some things are and being a dad is one of those very few things.

I've always been looking ahead, which is a good thing, but getting married slows you down and kids slow you down, a little bit. You look ahead, but you've gotta learn to enjoy what you have.

The medics generally see the worst of the worst. They see everything. They're working on their friends, and they're working on their enemy. The person that was just firing at them, trying to kill them, five minutes ago, if an Army medic stumbles upon him and he's still alive, he just goes to save his life.

In a hospital, there's not anyone who's generally trying to do you harm. You're generally given a backstory about what happened to them, but not about their life, so you get to work on saving their life. But you know whose lives you're saving overseas, in the Army, to a certain degree. You know whether's it your guy or a bad guy, and it's generally not anybody in between.

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