I didn't even go to graduation.

I love Journey and Fleetwood Mac.

Heartbreak is the best motivation.

Hey, Ill be a pretty boy for money.

Change is always a little bit strange.

I don't listen to a ton of rock music.

I think some songs are better on vinyl.

I want to inflict some change on people.

I'm a big fan of electronic dance music.

I'm still a very big fan of Fiona Apple.

What I love is getting polarized opinions.

I wish I was Freddie Mercury, straight up.

I really miss wearing costumes and makeup.

I guess a lot of people don't like talking.

Buffalo Wild Wings is always a good choice.

I learned to play drums to the 'Blue Album.'

I seriously love Cleveland. It's a great city.

We're all in this together. We're all sinners.

When I was a kid, I grew up watching musicals.

I have my mother's hips...I have an apple bottom.

I fell in love with Sinatra when I was very young.

I used to watch the Broadway 'Les Miz' and study it.

There's always nerves when you're releasing something.

I think anything you listen to is going to be different.

I think the only festival I ever went to was Warped Tour.

I guess if I had to classify myself, I'd say I'm straight.

I love traveling, I love waking up in a new city every day.

Playing in arenas, that's very non-personal with the crowd.

If you kill the arts, you kill love, and you kill progress.

I think it's healthy for bands to discover new, older stuff.

I love being the center of attention. I'm shameless about it.

I love Frank Sinatra. He is one of my biggest all-time idols.

I've never considered myself a lyricist, but I have stuff to say.

If I could play Jean Valjean, I think that would be the pinnacle.

When I was younger, I thought once I hit 25, I'd slow down. Nope!

I like to use religion as a catalyst for something that I believe.

When you can't put your finger on it, that's the most exciting stuff.

To see fans singing your songs back to you is an indescribable thing.

I'm shedding off the old me and I'm reborn as the new me - it's great!

I love looking back, and even putting new music on vinyl - if it's right!

I was a maniac as a teenager; I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I was crazy.

You can create some soul out of something that's electronic or mechanical.

The funny thing about the people I don't like - they're very self-centered.

Growing up, my earliest memories are listening to Sinatra Christmas albums.

I don't care who gets in my way... I'm just gonna come right though and riot.

There's always a bit of nerves that come with expectations and new situations.

I was so enthralled watching 'Guys and Dolls' and learning about the Rat Pack.

I have no qualms: no shame, no guilt, no embarrassment. I tend to act out a lot.

It's cool to be different and just be who you are and shock people in a good way.

I don't have any pets, so I get to walk around the house naked. So I'm more free.

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