I like doing roles that stretch me.

That's my mission: to make you feel something.

I love '80s rock music. I was fascinated with Stevie Nicks when I was growing up.

I'm just a regular Baltimore chick who believed in God enough to follow her dreams.

I went to Baltimore School of the Arts, which is known for discovering Tupac and Jada Pinkett-Smith.

When I played Imunique on 'Love That Girl,' that was on the other side of comedy - loud and out there.

My whole thing as a performer is to affect people, whether I make you cry or I make you laugh. I would love to make you think.

When I go to Atlanta, I'm famous. I can get on a flight, anything. Because they're watching every show, and if you're black, you famous.

I was very vocal about what I wanted to do at a very young age. I wanted to be inside of the television set. I didn't know being on TV was being an actor.

It's just been a lot of hard work and lot of auditions. A lot of ups and downs, but a lot of ups, and I'm really happy for my downs, too. I'm really thankful.

I remember watching television when I was younger, and I felt like there were things TV tackled first, and then it would happen to me in real life, and I felt prepared.

I started off in drama, and there are so many women that I admire. Women in this industry are gladiators. Cicely Tyson, Viola Davis, Taraji Henson, Regina Hall, Regina King.

A little bit about my family: We didn't really come from much, and we didn't take family trips to California, so my first trip to California was actually my first day of school.

If you really want to be an actress, go to school. I think it's great what people are doing on YouTube, but don't forget to go to class. Have a vision for yourself, but don't forget to do the work.

Shows in the '70s and '80s were a lot more provocative. Shows that are coming out now - like 'Black-Ish,' 'The Carmichael Show' - are showcasing people of color in a new way. It's not stereotypical.

Tracy Ullman, I grew up watching her shows and standup and improv and specials. Bette Midler and Whoopi Goldberg. They inspire me to do it all. I always wanted to do it all; I never wanted to be put in a box.

Jamie Foxx. He's been very much a mentor and friend, and we've worked together several times. He's just been such an influence in my career. There's nothing that man can't do, and that's something I would like to reflect in my career.

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