The yoga pose helps me to calm down and focus when I need to.

I loved 'Deadpool'. I loved the comics, and I loved the script.

I got to work alongside Alexandra Shipp, who plays Storm in 'X-Men: Apocalypse', so that was really cool for me.

I'm kind of sad that Tim is not going to direct any more of the Deadpool films, because I really love him. He's hilarious.

Comics are actually a lot more difficult to read than I thought they would be. After my second 'Deadpool' comic, I kind of gave up.

I am one of the people who just doesn't enjoy watching myself. I wish I could! I've seen 'Deadpool' three times; the third time, it was enjoyable for me.

I went through a rebellious phase, and was super into doing crazy hair things. I did only wear black for my junior year of high school. I was one of those kids.

I, at high school, had a very select group of friends. I am still pretty tight with them now. I definitely have a lot more friends than I remember when I go back home!

Ryan Reynolds was my childhood crush. His name is all over the walls of my room. I actually Photoshopped myself into a picture with him my freshman year of high school.

A lot of superheroes today are a little self-righteous, and what's cool about 'Deadpool' is that he seems like a guy that you could meet at the 7-Eleven down the street.

I would love to be an example to young LGBTQ kids everywhere. I remember growing up and feeling like nobody in the media accurately represented me, and when they did, it was always made to seem like a bad thing.

It took me a long time, not necessarily to come out, but to understand how I was feeling. It wasn't planned for me to come out with 'First Girl' or anything. I just so happened to have met my current girlfriend on the set.

When I first moved out to L.A., I was still 17. The deal with my dad was that I would be able to live out there if I were to treat my acting classes like college classes. So when I moved, that's all I did: trained and auditioned.

I am Brianna Hildebrand; I play 'Negasonic Teenage Warhead'. She is a 15 year old psychic - she reads the future - and she also is her own personal cannonball: she's a warhead. So she runs at things and explodes at them, and she's Colossus' sidekick.

I was scouted by this talent scout back home. She found me because I used to make my dad these CDs of my music, and I think that some guy that he worked with had a niece who worked with the talent scout, or something really drawn out, kind of word-of-mouth.

I am lucky to say now that it is not frightening for me, living in L.A., to be gay. Even when I was in Texas, I wasn't afraid. I was kind of out in high school. I just could never decide on what label. I am glad that I am public about it, and I think I should be.

It helps to write as the character that I am trying to be, and try to journal every day as them. Once I've already recorded thoughts as this person, it's easier to just flip back through and be like, 'Oh, yeah, this is what she's thinking; this is what she's feeling.'

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