Gravity doesn't lie.

We're like quirky Brits!

I'm going to be an ambassador for WWE.

My mom had no idea she was having twins.

We'd love to create feminine hygiene products.

I'm very close to every girl in the locker room.

Growing up, we were always the feisty Latin girls.

People's passion and dedication can conquer anything.

I've never experienced the love I have for my daughter.

The one thing Nikki and I always live by is 'No regrets.'

We love Ronda Rousey - talk about someone who empowers women!

The good thing about being pregnant is I get to be home more.

College wasn't for us. We just didn't have the attention span.

We have our own clothing line called Birdiebee that we just love.

I think working out with a loved one makes everything feel better!

As WWE Superstars, we want to have confidence and stand strong in the ring.

It's crazy to think about getting recognized for something you just love to do.

We grew up in a farming family, so I always ate non-processed food and fresh produce.

I usually have lots of energy, so I couldn't believe how pregnancy put me on my butt.

There was no way I could get pregnant and continue to work in the ring and go on the road.

For me, the best part of being Latina in the WWE is the feistiness I can bring to the ring.

Just because our work environment is crazy doesn't mean we need to bring the craziness home.

I love watching Japanese wrestling, and then Bryan will be like, 'Watch this' or 'See this.'

Loving entertainment but having our athletic talent, WWE seemed like the perfect fit for us.

I don't mind if I fail or if I succeed. No matter what, I want to look back with no regrets.

Just because you are a mom doesn't mean whoever you were before is gone. You can bring it back.

We love going to museums. We are so into history and into art. We find it a great way to decompress.

I love dominating in what's been considered man's world and showing them that women are equal talent.

I think the success of 'Total Divas' has opened people's eyes to women in wrestling and to WWE divas.

People can't stand the fact that, yes, we were models, but now we can kick anyone's butt in the ring.

When I stand in that ring after a match, I feel like the strongest me! It's truly the greatest feeling.

We really wanted our characters to be very Latin-based because we've always been so proud of our roots.

My sister is an amazing champion; she's the Fearless Champion, and I couldn't be more proud to be by her side.

If it wasn't for technology and the Internet, I wouldn't have been able to plan a wedding because I'm never home.

When one twin is in need or hurt, the other twin definitely knows it. It really helps us being a successful tag team.

I think sometimes wrestling fans will feel different, but the thing is, 'Total Divas' introduced women's wrestling to the world.

We look up to Jessica Alba. I loved that something bothered her, and she created products around it and built an empire around it.

You're gonna lose looks when it comes with age, but if you have that sense of humor, it will always keep things great in a relationship.

An ideal night for myself and my boyfriend would be going to the farmers market, making ourselves a nice meal, and then anything outdoorsy.

I think it's been fun to show that Bryan and I share a Honda Fit, and we're huge environmentalists, and we're big activists for animal rights.

As far as past men go, I loved Jeff Hardy. He reminds me of my husband in a way. He's quieter but has a presence in the ring that's, like, wow.

If you're going to do reality, you need to do the good and the bad. I think that's why so many people love Nicole and me. We're real and honest.

The girls are working so hard to put female wrestling on the map and to make it as big as the men. To see it actually happening... I'm so grateful.

As a competitive athlete, you always want to come out on top and give your best work. So whether it's my sister or any other opponent, I'm competitive.

At the end of the day, you're going to go through obstacles, but with passion, you will be successful, and you will accomplish whatever your dreams are.

It's not even about looking good; it's about feeling good inside. Celebrity Sweat makes everyone aware of that but in a fun way with their favorite athletes.

Now, being a fan, I love the difference between 'Raw' and 'Smackdown' - I know that each show will be completely different, and that makes it so fun to watch!

Bryan and I plan to use reusable diapers. There are a lot more options than before. We know it won't be as convenient, but we want to do it to help the planet.

As a mom, the minute your baby is born, you all of a sudden have these fears. People always say, 'Don't let your fears get you.' But for me, my fears educated me.

I definitely don't see what people do for a living. I feel that doesn't define you as a human being; who you are defines you. I couldn't care less about what you do.

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