Golf is my passion and livelihood.

It's good to try and learn how to adapt.

I'll never get to my target size or weight.

I own up to the fact that I am slow on the greens.

I love trying to be the best at anything and everything.

I'd definitely use a 48-inch driver if I could control it.

I'm literally working out every single day as hard as I can.

It's fun to be able to play good golf not having your A game.

People call me slow. I call myself quick with the stuff I do.

On short courses I can still play good, even with my added length.

I use TaylorMade. I've tested every golf ball. TaylorMades are great.

I'm a total nonconformist; for me, it's about going down rabbit holes.

My core has gotten substantially bigger relative to the rest of my body.

I go to the gym with a mindset to fix myself, never to break myself down.

When you start personally attacking people on Twitter, it's like, come on, dude.

Knowing that I can play with some of the best out there is definitely encouraging.

I make sure that I'm 100 percent ready to go before I put that tee into the ground.

Look, I am not really that sensitive of a guy. I don't get hurt by a lot of things.

I use a system called Vector Green Reading, which applies science to the green reads.

Most people are afraid of failure. I love failure because it tells me where to go next.

It was funny, when I got to Australia to The Presidents Cup, I ate about 6,000 calories.

I'm not worried about the Masters. I never worry about this tournament or that tournament.

I have to chase down the most scientifically efficient way to get the golf ball in the hole.

As a kid, I liked building a lot of Legos and built houses and did some fun stuff with that.

Australia is a great place. It's my second favorite country, other than the U.S., obviously.

Sleeping hurt, everything hurt. But it's pretty cool what you can do to the body by working out.

The search for information gives me more confidence, because confidence arises from understanding.

In the mornings, I usually have four eggs, five pieces of bacon, some toast, and two protein shakes.

You've got to be able to be on point with your game if you want to make it to the Tour Championship.

If I wanted to learn Arabic or Russian, I could. Or tie my shoes in a new way, I could. Why? Dedication.

Anything that helps shoot lower scores or makes golf more fun and grows the game, that's what I'm all about.

I want to gain as much weight as possible, and I want to see what I can do with that weight once I'm all done.

Breathing in the proper state gets you into a state where you digest food better and calms your brainwaves down.

If I can figure out this wedge stuff and become a really good wedger, I'll be the number-one player in the world.

At the 2018 Hero World Challenge, I felt brittle. I felt like a gust of wind could push me over if I wasn't careful.

I play golf, and then I see working out in the evening as my way of taking care of any aches or pains that need fixing.

I just listen to my body. If I get too full, OK, I'm done. If I feel like, man, I've got to eat. I just listen to my body.

I can't tell you how many times I had opportunities to do other things and went and golfed because I wanted to be the best.

I'm going to become like a gymnast. I watch online, on Instagram, these gymnast influencers, and that's where I want to get.

When I got a stronger core, my hands weren't able to keep up. They weren't able to tolerate the force my core was generating.

Obviously, I'm trying to control the intake of sugars, but carbs are fine because I'm obviously sweating like crazy out here.

I had debilitating back pain. Three years later, I'm 40 pounds heavier and generating 20 or 25 miles an hour more ball speed.

I've upped my size tremendously. Forearms strength, shoulder strength has gotten crazy strong. I've been working hard on that.

Crazy is a relative term, you know. Everybody is unique in their own way and some people work harder for longer hours than others.

Every tournament that I go to, I'll prepare my absolute best to play my best golf. And if my best golf is a Top-10, then so be it.

As much as we're out here performing, I think it's necessary that we have our times of privacy as well when things aren't going our way.

Pace of play has been an issue for golf at all levels for a long time and I'm committed to being a part of the solution, not the problem.

I'm very technical in everything I do. But one thing I don't do is set goals. Goals are actually a hindrance to me, because they limit you.

I don't play golf for money. I play golf to execute that shot, the beautiful shot that everybody adores. That's why I think we all play golf.

You got to have a lot of mass to be able to produce a lot of ground reaction force, to function off of the ground, to press off of the ground.

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