The Devil is a woman.

Capitalism is an art form.

The Dionysian is no picnic.

Mind is a captive of the body.

Teaching is a performance art.

before feminism was, Paglia was!

When in doubt, I read Oscar Wilde.

Modernization means Westernization.

Rule of art: Cant kills creativity!

I guess I'm just a natural warrior.

I am a very reclusive, private person.

Foucault is the Cagliostro of our time.

When anything goes, it's women who lose.

A woman simply is, but a man must become.

Science cannot avert a single thunderbolt.

Cats are autocrats of naked self-interest.

The moment there is imagination there is myth

Though men may be deep, mentally they are slow.

A war still rages over the legacy of the 1960s.

[On Hollywood:] America's greatest achievement.

Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity.

Every revolution eventually needs a new revolution.

The western mind makes definitions; it draws lines.

Men chase by night those they will not greet by day.

[On U.S. universities:] The bland leading the bland.

Poetry is the connecting link between body and mind.

Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all.

It's patriarchal society that has freed me as a woman.

A society that forgets about art risks loslng its soul.

Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.

Effeminate men have suffered a bad press the world over.

The search for freedom through sex is doomed to failure.

Very gifted people may be sociopathic in varying degrees.

Criticism at its best is re-creative, not spirit-killing.

Sex at the age of 90 is like playing billiards with a rope

Heaven help the American-born boy with a talent for ballet.

It is not true that I oppose government funding of the arts.

The so-called miracle of birth is nature getting her own way.

Anti-religious sneers are a hallmark of perpetual adolescents.

Minerva save us from the cloying syrup of coercive compassion!

The only antidote to the magic of images is the magic of words.

We must accept our pain Change what we can and laugh at the rest

Art is something out of the ordinary commenting on the ordinary.

My anti-liberal position should not be mistaken for conservatism.

If people could see the inside of my brain, I would be in prison.

Even a woman of abnormal will cannot escape her hormonal identity.

Is there intellectual life in America? At present, the answer is no.

It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman.

There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.

No genuinely avant-garde artist should ever be on the government dole.

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