I just love human emotion and faces.

I've done figure drawing classes or whatever.

When people wear dresses, I want to wear pants and vice versa.

At restaurants, I always get a kids' menu and color or draw on the tablecloth.

One of my favorite paintings I've done happened after I broke up with a boyfriend.

What did we do before we had cell phones and we just had to sit there and be vulnerable?

I really knew with every fiber of my being that acting was - for lack of a better word - my calling.

All the art that's in my house is my own, which is nice because I never have to worry about buying it.

I couldn't be luckier to wake up every morning and be so excited to get to work, even if it's five in the morning.

I really love 'America's Next Top Model.' I'm always tweeting about it, and people are like, 'You need to get a life!'

There are times where we are shooting a TV show, and it goes very fast. But everybody has this freedom to still be artists.

A jigsaw puzzle is my form of meditation. In New York, I glued all of the ones I did together and hung them up on the wall.

I never leave my computer open. That becomes a big OCD thing. If I see people leaving their laptops open, I always close them.

I started painting at 17; I took a class at Brentwood Art Center. I thought about art school - but I'm just so not a school person.

All of the coding and hacking stuff that we do and I talk about, I always have them explain what it means so I know what I'm saying.

I never have had blonde hair. I have never had straight hair. I never wear pink clothes or spray tan and I never wore heels to school.

I love games. When I first saw 'Celebrity Family Feud,' I literally, in all caps, emailed my team and was like, 'Why am I not on this?'

So many of my paintings, people would be like, 'What more do you have to do?' But the smallest little things make all of the difference.

Technology and communicating with people online or through a phone or through social media - it's a false sense of intimacy and connection.

We don't know how to actually code, but I wish that I did. It's so much harder than anyone could possibly imagine - it's like learning German.

'Mean Girls' is literally one of my favorite movies. It's just such a classic. Everybody has seen it, and me and my friends quote it all the time.

I can make eggs. I can do a quesadilla. But the last thing I want to do when I come home is cook and clean up dishes. I'm not that domestic a girl.

I've been so lucky to be able to go into such different worlds from my own, and that's what makes my job so fun. I just want to continue doing that.

I'm such a loser; I don't really go out. None of my friends are really actors, so in that regard, I still have all the same friends and do all the same things.

Playing a woman in the tech world never crossed my mind as a thing until people started bringing it up all time. People act like it's unicorns speaking English all of a sudden.

People do notice me - I'm always so surprised. When I dyed my hair blond for 'Suburgatory,' people would still recognize me from 'The Last Song,' when I had red hair, and I didn't even recognize myself.

One of the reasons why I love acting is my obsession with human emotion and faces and expressions - no surprise, then, that I usually end up painting faces. But I haven't done a self-portrait. I'd be too scared.

I have Bob Dylan lyrics on my ribs. I'm a diehard Dylan fan, and my dad and I joke that if I ever met him, I'd have him sign his name right under my tattoo and then I'd run to the parlor to get his signature tattooed.

I look at so many people's feeds like, 'God, your life is so cool. Like, I want to do that! Why don't I get that?' And I will get envious of someone's life, and we don't think about the fact that it's completely - not fake, but it's one single screenshot of just the good times.

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