I haven't got time for the pain.

But I'm lost when it comes to you.

I had a mastectomy in 1998, and then chemo.

My scar is beautiful. It looks like an arrow.

The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind.

I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee.

We need role models who are going to break the mold.

No, because I was always nervous about being onstage.

You're so vain. I bet you think this song is about you.

Anticipation is making me late, it's keeping me waiting.

I just want to show off my scar proudly and not be afraid of it.

Don't mind if I fall apart. There's more room in a broken heart.

I'm still more comfortable with standards than with my own songs.

You usually can't tell what's inspiring until you look back on it.

I think that most people really know if it's a really great album.

Sometimes, but the year I lived in France I started to write songs.

The models for me were more the folk-rock singers of the '60s and '70s.

Worrying too much about other people's ears and not my own, I lost my way.

Well, I make every song I sing personal. I've never chosen a song that wasn't.

We went to see all the shows. American musical theater and jazz were very big.

So I suppose this slightly mature fashion sense happened because of what I had.

A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars.

Life is a dream even in its most painful moments, it's a dream that we can dance to.

I've learned that nobody's perfect, and I don't expect myself to be perfect anymore.

I try to get to those peculiar and particular things that you never think of to say.

I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren't as easy to sing.

I had this terrible stammer, so I couldn't really speak properly until I was 16 or 17.

Then I went through a big Peggy Lee stage, then I became Annie Ross, then Judy Collins.

My father was a classical pianist, and my mother was a singer of just about everything.

But when we listened to the radio, it was Bill Haley and the Comets or the Everly Brothers.

Well, I tried to get a record deal in 1966 or '67, and everyone thought I was too eclectic.

You don't have to prove to me you're beautiful to strangers, I've got loving eyes of my own.

You're lucky you had that when you were 20. I sure didn't. I was overweight, and I had acne.

I think that I've got some pretty bad reviews on albums or songs that later proved themselves.

As a singer I tried on all these hats, these voices, these clothes, and eventually out came me.

I took it to heart that in order to be a good person; you never said anything mean about anybody.

I took it to heart that in order to be a good person, you never said anything mean about anybody.

There was a French singer, Francoise Hardy - I used to look at her pictures and try to dress like her.

Do you know how many concerts I've done in my whole life, in more than 35 years of performing? Sixty-four.

We are in this period now where we all are trying to be in shape physically and deny ourselves any pleasure.

We change our opinions of ourselves so often. What the outside world thinks is only a small part of our image.

You know, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997 I realized I had spent too long arranging my attitude.

I remember being onstage once when I didn't have fear: I got so scared I didn't have fear that it brought on an anxiety attack.

Undoubtedly, Patsy Cline was a trailblazer and in that respect, all women who are singular in a man's field have a special power.

I used the physical scar of my breast cancer operation, the scar that I have across my chest as a metaphor for all kinds of scars.

I've always thought of myself as being a warrior. When you actually have a battle, it's better than when you don't know who to fight.

Everyone has problems, and learning to share them is essential. Hiding pain requires an enormous amount of energy; sharing it is liberating.

You say we'll soar like two birds through the clouds, but soon you'll cage me on your shelf. I'll never learn to be just me, first by myself.

My look was even more solidified when I started singing in Greenwich Village with my sister Lucy. We wore matching dresses as the Simon Sisters.

So many artists who came out during that time, including myself, were able to get on radio. New forms of singer-songwriters developed out of that.

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