People need to see the authentic people that are still out there, the genuine people that really care.

I say 'come with it.' I'm not expecting anything easy. You have to earn your place. That's fine with me.

How can U fairly assess someone from the outside looking in ... majority of the times you will be wrong.

At this point in my career I'm not concerned about the money, it's about winning. Nothing else even matters.

Denver is home to me, and to be recognized for my achievements in the sports community here is a great honor.

I kind of knew Cleveland was going to get the No. 1 pick. I think they rigged it. No, don't quote me on that.

Everything on my body has a meaning. I don't do art just because. It does look cool but it also has a meaning.

I think people fail to realize that teams and organizations have been stacking teams since way back in the day.

The new guys bring energy, intensity and emotion. The last couple games, they showed what they can bring to the team.

We're still getting better as a team. We're still learning how to play basketball as a team and how to win tough games.

I don't put pressure on myself. When I put pressure on myself, then I just play bad. When I play bad, my team plays bad.

Every year it's been people saying I can't do this or I can't do that. Y'all will see something different, I can tell you that.

As a kid I couldn't afford any Jordans, so I didn't get my first pair until my last year of high school. They were Air Jordan 9s.

I'm a classical type of guy. Whatever's out at that point in time, I like it. I just put my own twist on it, and we go from there.

Of course I want to take the last shot, let's be quite frank: I've been doing for nine years already, and I've made a ton of them.

I understand the NBA and the role I play on my team. I know that I have to play a leadership role and do whatever I have to do to win.

No one is perfect. I know there is stuff that I need to work on, and not just one thing, but my game overall. Everything can get better.

I got a picture [tattoo] of Mohammed Ali on my side with one of his quotes. That's my guy. I look up to him. I'm like his number one fan.

With the way everything's going now and the way that technology is going, you can do a lot of things with a lot of different new materials.

I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out.

I'm laid back, I take my time, get the job done. Lebron is high flying, dunking, passing the ball well. He's getting the job done, too. But we're different.

I think I'll always want to improve my defense. That's something that can always be better. Not saying it's bad now, just something you should always work on.

Look, I won in high school, I won a national championship in college, I want to win one in the NBA. But winning a gold medal, I don't think anything can top that.

I know I'm not a selfish player. People around me know I'm not a selfish player. I do everything I can to make people around me understand I'm not a selfish player.

As a good player in the inner city, you're always hearing people saying that you're better than you really are and that you don't have to do things like everybody else.

We all need that sometimes, to get re-sparked again. Sometimes it's different influences and different motivations; sometimes we've got to go and get back to the basics.

When I was young, I was sold on winning. I was always serious on the court. As I got older, I realized that it was just a basketball game. Just go out there and have fun.

At the end of the day, you want to be always the one that's one step ahead of everybody, and when it comes to hip-hop, culture and art, you want to be that signature guy.

I'm me. I'm just out there being myself. I like having fun. But at the same time, I bring everybody together. So I'm really -- or I try to be -- like the glue of the team.

This was on my vision board. To run out there and be hitting game winners, getting the fans riled up. When they're stomping on the floor yelling 'New York Knicks'—that's a great feeling.

I can't worry about what other people are saying about me. At the end of the day, it's just their opinions, but if I said I don't hear it, or it doesn't bother me a little bit, I'd be lying to you.

People tend to grow fearful, when they taste failure, face a daunting challenge or fall ill. Yet, that is precisely the time to become even bolder. Those who are victors at heart are the greatest of all champions!!!!

When I step on that basketball court, I'm thinking about basketball, I'm thinking about winning - but there's so much that goes into thought about how I'm going to open this game up to others. It's so much more than just basketball.

When I really like something, I try to put my all into it. This is something thats different from when I was growing up on the basketball court, running up and down, scoring 30 points or something. This is totally something different.

There weren't any sports figures that I idolized because I didn't really believe in myself back then or think that I could make it here. There were some regular people in my neighborhood that I looked up to growing up but that was it.

I am looking forward to continue my career in Orange & Blue and to work with Phil Jackson, a champion who builds championship teams. Madison Square Garden is the mecca of basketball and I am surrounded by the greatest fans in the world.

The NBAs a Fortune 500 company. Thats how you look at it. And all the other Fortune 500 companies out there in the world, you dont see their CEOs and COOs going to work with white tees and baggy clothes and stuff like that. So I have to take that same approach.

The NBA's a Fortune 500 company. That's how you look at it. And all the other Fortune 500 companies out there in the world, you don't see their CEOs and COOs going to work with white tees and baggy clothes and stuff like that. So I have to take that same approach.

Without a doubt, any opportunity I have to build that up in New York, I'd do it. I told people all the time, always say, 'If it takes me taking a pay cut, I'll be the first one on James Dolan's steps saying take my money and let's build something strong over here.'

The only person I ever wanted to meet was Muhammad Ali. And of all the people I've ever met, he's the one who most impressed me. It's tough to listen to him. You gotta have patience. But you see how strong his mind is. Even now, he's one of the most intelligent people on the planet.

I want to retire in New York, let's be quite frank. I think a lot of people jumped the gun when I said I wanted to be a free agent. And yeah, I want people to come to play in New York. I want them to want to play in New York. I want New York to be that place where guys want to come play.

A lot of people think that as a player, during the lockout, you just have your whole day free. It's not like that - especially for me. I wake up everyday, train in the morning from 9 a.m. to about 2 p.m. Then I have a business meeting here, have to meet this person there, it's non-stop for me.

If I were president? First thing I'd do is take care of the schoolteachers. I'm not saying we should start 'em out with six figures, but in some places they've got to be mother, father, brother, sister, and mentor. They're real important people. Let's give 'em a raise - and attract the best people to the job.

I want to be a free agent. I think everybody in the NBA dreams to be a free agent at least one time in their career. It's like you have an evaluation period. It's like if I'm in the gym and I have all the coaches, all the owners, all the GMs come into the gym and just evaluate everything I do. So yes, I want that experience.

I don't want to just be an athlete. I kind of obsess on that sometimes. I don't want my son to be reading, oh, 'disappointment, just a scorer, selfish, didn't win enough, never quite the best' -- whatever. I want to be bigger than that. I want to shape my own destiny instead of just having him read about whatever on the back page.

It [boxing] helps my hand-eye coordination, my stamina, my footwork, and it gives me that competitive edge and drive. And in the ring it's mano-a-mano. So it helps you build that arrogance, that cockiness, that confidence in yourself that the man that stands in front of you isn't going to beat you, and that translates to the court.

Although you do look at the big picture, if you're dealing with the now, it can be kind of frustrating. You're losing basketball games, things not going the way you want it to go or should go, but at the same time we've just got to stay with it. Just stay positive, just stay focused, as a team, as a unit, because the ship easily can sink early.

I never envisioned myself playing for the U.S. Olympic team -- growing up, I never envisioned playing in the NBA, to be real with you. I never envisioned that type of stuff. So this is like a dream that I never had come true. It's like I'm a part of what's really going on. It's still very hard for me to believe that I am really going to be a part of the biggest thing in the whole entire world.

I did this campaign that was called "Back to the Basics" where I went back to the street, went back to my block, and really felt the people. We've got to go back to that sometimes. We distance ourselves from that and we see it from afar. Some people can't relate back to that; once you're out of it, they don't want to relate back to that. It's always good to get back to the basics, though. You've got to touch the roots, you've got to touch those people. Regardless of what's going on, people always respect that.

I think people fail to realize that teams and organizations have been stacking teams since way back in the day. The Lakers had the Showtime era. Boston had six hall of famers on one team. You had Detroit, the New York Knicks, and now the Miami Heat. They were stacking their teams back then, it just fell off over the years and now it picked back up. Boston did it first, then LA. I was fortunate enough to play against them when they had Shaq, Kobe, Rick Fox, Gary Payton, Karl Malone... that's five hall of famers on one team! So you can't get mad at Miami for doing what they did.

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