I'm a lot of things but not a liar or a phony, even when I know it's in my best interest to be.

My parents worked hard, sometimes two jobs, to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

I do hate air conditioning and early mornings, but my friends all know this and plan accordingly.

The very best relationship has a gardener and a flower. The gardener nurtures and the flower blooms.

The thing about rumors is that everyone believes something about them, even if they are completely unfounded.

This is America. In our country it doesn't matter a lick where you are from, it only matters where you're going.

My Grandpa Tony was a legend in our family, and also in his own mind. There's no end to the tales of his exploits.

I've been told I'm a good guest. I don't take up much space, I don't eat a lot, and I keep my complaints to a minimum.

The first thing I bought when I was 14 and started working was a crystal bear. I thought it was so glamorous and sparkly.

I went into journalism for a reason. I try to be a thoughtful person. I try to see all sides. And I do think before I speak.

If you hear that my soul mate still tells one or more of his exes he loves her, I want to know. Audio recording is preferable.

I think every girl needs a good lip split story, I have one. I fell onto my front door doorknob coming back from the mailbox, once.

I like carbs and I like junk food, and I don't gain any weight from them, so I've been slightly abusive of my body because of this.

I'm not ever getting a Pulitzer prize and my books aren't on high school reading lists, but for better or worse I'm a working writer.

To be honest, I don't really have my own makeup because when I'm not on television or doing a photoshoot or something I barely wear it.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a delusional Housewife in possession of an audience must be in want of a ludicrous storyline.

I always think if I'd had kids that I'd manage them like I do my dog Margaret: camps, playdates, naps, and lots of snacks. They'd all be fat.

One of my greatest extravagances is smelly candles. I'm embarrassed to say, but I spend a disproportionate amount of money on candles. It adds up.

I've always been 100%. I don't grandstand for the cameras. I don't have fake outrage or indignation. No tricks, no screaming or throwing my leg on the floor.

What is your favorite 'Housewife' line? Mine is, 'Who does that?' We all say it. Every Housewife in every city has said it at least 17 times during her reign.

Life is a marathon and you have to pace yourself. I believe that slow and steady wins the race, so in that way, I've been training for a marathon my whole life.

It's common procedure in the industry for people with little or no professional writing experience to get a book deal because of their profile, and then hire a writer.

Having to walk and talk and hit a mark and open a door proved nearly impossible for me. I suppose that's why we're on a reality show and not 'Mad Men.' Because we don't act.

I don't consider myself part of the Kennedy family. It's almost like a little point of honor. I'm a DiFalco at the end of the day. An Italian-American from upstate New York.

Perhaps I'm old-fashioned but I don't think mothers want their 25-year-old daughters to marry 85-year-old men, except maybe for the money. Money, at least, makes some sense.

The best advice I can give a girl is to keep new relationships private. There is nothing like a handful of well-intentioned 'girlfriend advice' to derail a blooming romance.

The night was ordinary. It usually is, I think, when your life changes. Most people aren't doing anything special when the carefully placed pieces of their life break apart.

I didn't marry into the Kennedy family, I married Anthony Radziwill. I'm proud of him and his family, the Radziwills. They exist, they're real, and they are separate from the Kennedys.

On my real vacations, I meet up with friends and we go for walks on the beach. We stroll through old cities, swim in the sea, and take afternoon naps. We shop, lunch, and, yeah, drink.

The Women' is one of my all-time favorite movies, you really should watch. It's based on a play by Clare Booth Luce about a group of high society women (one is a Countess!) in 1939 New York.

If there's anything more popular on 'Housewives' than a fight over hair, it's a housewife diving into water. It's a prerequisite for the show, you have to know how to dive, preferably in a monokini.

Blogs are nothing more than a personal meandering diary for public consumption - a narcissist's dream. So you can imagine when bloggers take themselves - and their blogs - seriously, it's super annoying.

You can call someone a lousy writer. You can say you hate their book. You can even call a person 'white trash' but you can't go on television and slander a person's career. It's illegal, even on reality shows.

As hard as I try I cannot get myself to three museums in any one city. The only museum I've ever really enjoyed was the Picasso Museum in Barcelona and I think that's because it's small and you can touch things.

I never call myself a Kennedy cousin. In fact, when I signed my contract with Bravo, I made it very clear that they were not allowed in promos to refer to me as a Kennedy cousin. I'm not that person. I don't feel it.

Any show that has 'party non-invite' as its central conflict drums up the operatic high drama of a good Russian novel. It's the 'Real Housewives' Crime and Punishment:' first the horror of a non-invitation, and then the shattering aftermath.

I just want to say that from an early age, my parents instilled in me the values that you work hard for want you want in life; that your word is your bond; that you do what you say you will do and you treat people with respect. That includes Housewives too!

There are things I'm never late for. I'm not late for the theater; I'm not late for the movies; I'm not late if my single girlfriend is at a bar somewhere. But if I'm on vacation in Mexico with a bunch of cackling hens, then I'm going to be late for dinner - count on it.

When you own an apartment in NewYork, it's important to know what's happening in your building. Each building runs as its own little municipal town. Much like you might be interested in knowing what is happening in your town because it has a direct effect on the value of your property.

I spent time in refugee camps in Southeast Asia, and in the projects of Chicago. I've been to State dinners with Presidents. I met the Queen of England on a beach in Anguilla. No one is any more valuable or important than you are. No one is more important than your family and your friends.

Moving on' is a concept invented by Housewives. Housewives who behave so appallingly all they can do is say they are moving on, preferably in a place where everyone can hear them. To stay put and acknowledge that their actions have consequences and to accept responsibility is simply too painful for this particular brand of narcissist.

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