You can always get better.

I don't like being singled out.

Fear of failure always drives me.

I'm a Hall of Famer at retirement.

I don’t have to play football for money.

I've thrown a lot of curls over the years.

I love playing. I want to win a Super Bowl.

I love it. You love being offensive on offense.

You learn from the good, you learn from the bad.

There's nothing like adversity to fuel the fire.

I think Burrow is gonna be a great NFL quarterback.

You're judged on Super Bowls, and that's the standard.

I can also sympathize with fans because I'm a fan myself.

I love the game, working out, studying, every facet of it.

You can't let one game define you. You just have to move on.

It feels good to give your fans something to feel good about.

You don't have a real rivalry unless both sides are great teams.

I don't think anything motivates you more than not having a job.

The head coach makes the decision about what's best for the team.

If I could be anything, it would be a professional basketball player.

8-8 is like winning the Super Bowl for the organization in Cincinnati.

It's such a passionate fan base in Arizona, and such a smart fan base.

Nobody gets hit in college. You get hit onevery single play in the NFL.

Football, for me, is the best medicine in the world. This is what I love.

I fell in love with having my feet in the water and a fly rod in my hands.

In order to win in the NFL... you've got to be desperate to win a championship.

That's why I like to play golf, because I'm terrible at it and it's so difficult.

I'm not a guy who can sit there and look at a diagram of a play and understand it.

Whoever controls the line of scrimmage and wins up front is going to be the winner.

I have learned a ton, I have experienced a ton and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

If you still produce at the quarterback position, it doesn't matter what age you are.

I know the feeling after a catastrophic loss, to be so close and have it all just end.

I'm great at retirement. I'm excelling at retirement... I've loved every second of it.

I've always kind of been even-keeled. I think that's a good trait for a quarterback to have.

The truth of the matter is... somebody is going to die here in the NFL. It's going to happen.

There's so many factors that go into a Super Bowl championship that rely heavily on the organization.

I guess that's one of the things about playing quarterback. The quarterback gets most of the recognition.

Every kid thinks about the Heisman Trophy and dreams about it, but you never think it could happen to you.

Playing quarterback in the National Football League, getting to the Super Bowl is an incredible challenge.

The game has changed, the game is getting bigger, faster, stronger, and there needs to be more protection.

I actually don't listen to CDs very often. I listen to the radio or if I do listen to a CD, it'll be a mix.

You just can't let the outside world affect your game.You can't hold anything back. You can't play a different game.

I've been on a number of teams where there are guys you can't stand seeing walking into the facility on a Wednesday.

I just need to be in a position where I can control the ball, make smart decisions, and do what I'm coached up to do.

You can't just hope you draft well and not go after free agents and you end up in the Super Bowl. You got to go get it.

I think it's really difficult for a young team to beat an experienced quarterback like Philip Rivers twice in one season.

I love the fans in Cincy. I want them to see their dreams and get what they want. They're as loyal as any fans in the country.

You can make as much as the top-paid quarterback in the league when you're the Dallas Cowboys quarterback if you do take less.

The only thing I can tell you about a Super Bowl ring is, hey, not everybody gets one. But that's something I have to live with.

My five years in Arizona were so much fun because we were winning and I knew how to enjoy it because I knew the other side of it.

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