I don't love to fail.

I've always been very animated.

Debra Winger blows me away, always.

My dad's cool. He is socially liberal.

The comedian just wants to get a laugh.

Jake Johnson is one of my oldest friends.

I want to see a ton more comedy for women.

When you're on a road trip, anything goes.

You only feel as good as your last sketch.

I'll take discrimination if it's in my favor!

I love Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris and Adele.

I use a method approach to all my sitcom work.

I'm in therapy, and I think everyone should be.

My goal is to generate more material for myself.

Kenya Moore is everything to me. She's everything.

Life is the one thing you cannot get out of alive.

I've started meditating, but I do have a quick temper.

My mom worked tirelessly on getting equal rights for women.

I'm the girl that writes feverishly in my tiny trailer on set.

My dad would write these sketches for me while I was at 'SNL.'

The alternative comedy scene is actually pretty small, I guess.

Once I made a boyfriend dress up as Woody Allen from 'Annie Hall.'

I've met architects before, and they're not living the life we see on TV.

I still am not a size two - I don't think I could get there if I wanted to.

I am riveted by Phaedra Parks and her performance of herself. She kills me.

I went on the road with Hillary Rodham Clinton when she was out campaigning.

I think the key to working with my husband is that collaboration in comedy is best.

I love the area I grew up in, which is right outside D.C., in Alexandria, Virginia.

I guess funny people are attracted to funny people, and then you get comedy marriages.

If you have a sense of your place in the world, that's the best preparation for anything.

I love the idea of someone getting knocked down repeatedly, but they still believe in love.

Frankly, 'Bride Wars' got made because movies with women need to be about weddings and love.

To clarify, the issue isn’t that I’m too fat, it’s that I’m too phat. Can I get a WHAT-WHAT!

I think there's almost nothing that I won't, sadly, do for a laugh. It's a problem, actually.

So many shows don't have laugh tracks now that, when you hear it, it can be slightly jarring.

I went to drama school at NYU for serious acting. So I was doing Chekov and Sam Shepard plays.

If Damon Wayans is not breaking, it's a miracle. He is so funny that he makes everyone die laughing.

I have never turned to my girlfriend and said, Oh, okay, babe, and I see it in scripts all the time.

I have never turned to my girlfriend and said, 'Oh, okay, babe,' and I see it in scripts all the time.

I took a clown class at NYU - that's where I met June Diane Raphael, my writing partner and best friend.

It's always great to get to do what you love and to do something that hopefully people will see and love.

Is it normal to make a minute-to-minute schedule for the timing of thanksgiving? I'm asking for a friend.

On 'Saturday Night Live,' you wear so many hats there. You're the prop person, the actor, you're everything.

Both my parents were working in politics when I was growing up, so going on stage was not that great a leap.

My parents are both super funny, and I always knew I wanted to be on 'SNL.' My mom and I would watch it a lot.

Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph - when they speak, everyone listens. Because they're freaking hilarious.

There's a creative freedom with being under the radar. But I guess if you're too under the radar, you get canceled?

Instead of going into politics, I decided to go into comedy, which is the second most daunting career path for a woman.

My mom always worked, and I certainly don't want to look back and think, 'Well, I don't have kids, but I'm glad I did that sitcom.'

It's certainly strange to do sketch comedy with cue cards at midnight in a skyscraper as opposed to in a basement with your friends.

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