Will smiled the way Lucifer might have smiled, moments before he fell from Heaven.

Then again, it was Jace. He'd pick a fight with a Mack truck if the urge took him.

No one blames her." "That never matters," said Alec. "Not when you blame yourself.

You’re seventeen,” Magnus said. “You can’t have wasted a life you’ve barely lived.

There have always been readers throughout history who have been drawn to villains.

Why are you such an asshat?" "An asshat?" Jace looked as if he were about to laugh.

No wonder you and Jace like each other so much. You're both crazy walking arsenals.

Your angel cannot protect you against that which neither god nor the devil had made

If there is a life after this one, he said, let me meet you in it, James Carstairs.

She realized that this scarred, sarcastic boy, was gentle with the things he loved.

You promise me, he said. That you love him. Enough to marry him and make him happy.

Magnus reached out to touch Alec, but Alec moved away. Magnus' hand fall to himself.

I've met an attractive weasel or two in my time. He looks more like a rat." -pg.170-

Unrequited love is a ridiculous state, and it makes those in it behave ridiculously.

Jace whistled. "Raphael is really having an exceptionally bad night." -Jace, pg.283-

Dear me. Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for the digestion.

You may choose your friends, but not your unlikely saviors,” Magnus said cheerfully.

But God knows, I don't want anyone but you. I don't even want to want anyone but you.

Maybe you just never knew what it was like to want something you couldn't have before

My mom says you only need three people you can rely on to achieve self-actualization.

Well I'd certainly hate to interrupt your pleasant night stroll with my sudden death.

He didn't know what books meant to her, that books were symbols of truth and meaning.

You said you were going for a walk!? What kind of walk takes six hours?" "A long one?

You stole a boat,” she snapped. “What am I doing with you, you boat-stealing lunatic?

Having rock-star problems may be the closest I ever get to being an actual rock star.

Clary: "Aren't they supposed to be hiring someone else to train me full-time anyway?"

I don’t think Will Herondale and a sense of responsibility are even on speaking terms

You know,” Cecily said, “you really didn’t have to throw that man through the window.

Sometimes our lives can change so fast that the change outpaces our minds and hearts.

That’s why girls have boyfriends. So you have someone to take you to boring functions.

Perhaps not," said Will, who had ears like a bat's. "But I would make a radiant bride.

She is fine. She hates us both but it really didn't sound like anything else was wrong

Well, hello there, Mother,” Sebastian said in a voice like silk. “Surprised to see me?

Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable, Brother Zachariah to Clary Fray

I love you, Clary wanted to say. And, I would do it again. I would always ask for you.

Hello," Magnus said to the monkey. The monkey did not reply. "I shall call you Ragnor.

I knew you were crazy, but I didn't realize that you were out of your goddamned mind!!

He caught her as if he were used to catching fainting girls, as if he did it everyday.

No real lady would let a dress that might have been worn by a stranger touch her skin.

Clary's mother apparently reguarded him as about as sexually threatening as a goldfish.

It's because you're too scared to tell anyone who you really love. Love makes us liars.

Demon hunting and fashion," Clary said. "I never would have thought they went together.

If you were half as funny as you think you are, you'd be twice as funny as you are now.

He put his arms about himself as if he were cold. "I do not know who to be without him.

Speaking of hope, did you see that shot Alec got off with his bow? That's my boyfriend.

You've always been what you are. That's not new. What you'll get used to is knowing it.

Beautiful girls should know how to defend themselves against the advances of gentlemen.

The meek may inherit the earth, but at the moment it belongs to the conceited. Like me.

I think I may be in love with you, Sophie," said Will. "Marriage could be in the cards.

Change is not always accomplished peacefully, but that does not make it disadventageous.

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