For love is as strong as death.

Who said we were owed happiness?

I always need your strength,Alec

Your plans are suicidal. At best.

nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Who ever said the world was fair?

You live in my head all the time.

Jealousy is such an ugly emotion.

Crying wouldn't help anything now.

What are you?" "Im a Shadowhunter.

My rapier wit hides my inner pain.

Words have the power to change us.

Not all that is mortal is useless.

I only count the hours that shine.

The law is hard but it is the law.

Were you thinking about eating me?

Some Laws were meant to be broken.

I am, in the end, what you made me.

Books will always be there for you.

All Lightwoods look the same to me—

Do you often sleep tied to the bed?

She said that you've break my heart

Your trusting idiocy knows no bounds

Pain is only what you allow it to be

Change is no loss, Will. Not always.

You know men. We have delicate egos.

One must always be careful of books.

Demon pox. There's always demon pox.

History gets written by the winners.

At last, the wheel comes full circle

Max," Jace said. "Max, I’m so sorry.

Who do we belong with but each other?

Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal.

There is more to life than surviving.

Glory?....Glory belongs to God alone.

The Law may be hard but it's the law.

endless hope, endless disappointment.

I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt.

I am catastrophically in love with you.

You cannot hide your true self forever.

Sharp are the arrows of a broken heart.

I'm a werewolf, not a golden retriever.

Have a little faith in my magic fingers

They kind of look like evil lawn gnomes

Chairmen Meow deserves me every effort.

You are home for me now." --Jem to Tessa

It won't be pleasant." "Nothing ever is.

We are responsible for protecting Tessa!

I love your name. I love the sound of it

It isn't against the Law to be an idiot.

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