Do not seek prizes that aren't worth getting.

We don't have meetings unless absolutely necessary.

Facebook is a powerful company, yes, but so was IBM.

The single thing I've found it valuable to memorize is poetry.

No successful company has had ever been the product of just one person.

Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard.

I'm not good at vacationing. I've repeatedly failed at palapas and mai-tais.

I'm an accidental business person. I just love the medium. I love the Internet.

My favorite online communities are characterized by their incredible generosity.

As a child, I learned hundreds of poems by heart, which I can recite to this day.

A co-founder is like being somebody's parent: You want to make sure your offspring thrive.

When you have a failed pitch, you meet many more venture capitalists than you really want to.

'Apartamento,' a magazine out of Spain but written in English, is one of my favorite magazines.

It makes me happy to meet other poetry fans. Especially when they recommend poets I'm not familiar with.

One of the many wonderful things about homeschooling is that I am constantly learning alongside my daughter.

It's the building of things that makes you happy. You have to enjoy the process whether you succeed or fail.

I love Hunch, the awesome team, my brilliant cofounders - we're doing great work and building a great company.

Trade sales are the bulk of exits, and there's no shame in that. Sometimes, it's exactly the right thing to do.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find kids to hang out with that don't consume a lot of commercial culture.

My life project is humanizing technology: making technology more real and bringing it back into human interactions.

I've had two IPOs: with Etsy in 2015 and Cloudera in 2016. There have also been a ton of trade sales in my portfolio.

Etsy helps work be more human - you can stay at home and work alongside your kids - and it makes commerce more personal.

Dream, struggle, create, prevail. Be daring. Be brave. Be loving. Be compassionate. Be strong. Be brilliant. Be beautiful.

Vacations are good, and I come back energized, with the whiff of Hawaiian Tropic in the air and 2,000 messages in my Inbox.

The children of less effective, less competent parents will be more likely to adopt the customs and values of the peer group.

It's about doing things that you haven't done before, where you're still kind of a beginner, and not resting on your laurels.

Every place has a story - or a thousand stories. Findery brings places to life, be they where you stand or where you hope to go.

The things I'm good at are building communities, participatory media, places where people contribute things of their own making.

After reading about the Al Ain Oasis by ECWC, I became curious about cultivating dates, and browsed about the web a bit, learning.

I joined the board of Etsy when it was just three founders, and I helped recruit the COO and CTO, Chad Dickerson, who later became the CEO.

College works on the factory model and is, in many ways, not suited to training entrepreneurs. You put in a student, and out comes a scholar.

College is an environment designed to encourage openness - the ability to think of things in novel ways and entertain unconventional beliefs.

Sometimes you climb the mountain, and you fall and fail. Maybe there is a different path that will take you up. Sometimes a different mountain.

Ecstasy is almost never discussed anymore, but leaving the earth is one way of attaining it. To exchange ecstasy for death is often the bargain.

When I die and my memories die with me, all that will remain will be thousands of yellowing photographs and 35mm negatives in my filing cabinets.

You try a lot of things and you don't know what the hell you're doing. If you're actually inventing something you shouldn't know what you're doing.

On Pinwheel, you can find and leave notes all around the world. The notes can be public or private, shared with an individual, a group, or everyone.

I joined a meetup group called Bay Area Parents for a Commercial-Free Childhood, which I had searched for, as I was going to start a group like it myself.

I wanted to become a writer and felt that poetry was perfected language, so having it in my subconscious mind would make the music of language always available to me.

I'm happy we're about to start inviting people into the thing we've been working on!! It's called Pinwheel, and it's a way to find and leave notes all around the world.

'Free' is the museum show of our times, presaging the whole Wikileaks dustup, and it shows shifting power dynamics and a glimpse of the human in a world of flowing data.

I love participatory media, collective knowledge systems, user-generated content and the like, and spent much of my life and career participating in them and making them.

If the business were a play, Act One is, 'Woohoo, bright and bushy-tailed. We're going to make something great!' Act Two is, 'We're six months behind on back-end development.'

There is great work to be done, and the women will lead us. So I say, Astonish us with your genius. Inspire us with your creation. Work with one another. Endure the tribulations.

In building a social network, the standards and mores of a community are its lifeblood; one does not lightly 'experiment' with these, and LinkedIn is exactly right to defend them.

I go to bed early - around 9 P.M. or 10 P.M. - and wake up between 2 A.M. and 5 A.M. and get an extra three hours of work done. Then I have a regular work day. It's very effective.

Eliminate activities that require you to be around people you cannot stand. Don't do things for people who should be doing them themselves... and don't waste time chasing trophies.

I'm sure there was some amazing art at the Frieze Art Fair, but I wasn't able to find it. However, found some friends there, which was even better. And the boat to and from was lovely.

The computers people have are no longer on their desks but in their hands, and that is probably the transformative feature of the technology. These computers are with you, in the world.

If you looked at my resume in the years leading up to Flickr, I worked in a dive shop in landlocked Arkansas; I was a starving artist. I just arrived at the thing I love to do accidentally.

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