Life's hard, Love's harder.

Maybe I'm a supernatural retard.

You gotta love an attentive vampire --Kylie

Couldn't I just be a bit loony instead of gifted?

We just hide from the people we love. Sad, isn't it?

She's a serial kisser. I think her parents are French.

You couldn't always control life, just your response to it.

When we care about people, we sometimes overstep our grounds.

I don’t know what to tell you, Perry. Life’s hard. Love’s harder

Just because a guy rings your bell, doesn't mean you have to toot his horn.

What was that, Kylie? Just a thank-you for saving your life.. or was it more?

Kylie looked up towards the sky. "Sometimes I just wish Heaven wasn't so far away.

When it walks like a saint, and quacks like a saint- it's a quacking saint." -Della

What you are doesn't matter. Because what you are isn't going to change who you are.

She already had a headache-she didn't want to add 'get tortured' to today's to-do list.

But you are making assumptions without all the facts, and that's not a sign of intelligence.

Thanks, but that's not going to fix anything. It's like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.

I've dug so deep into his background, I can practically tell you when he stopped waring diapers.

Derek's the nicest guy I know. He would know." "He better know!" Hayden bit out.

And this is what you get for laughing at me." He pulled her up a few inches until his lips touched hers.

Burnett fidgeted. She had never seen Burnett like this. He looked like a kid who needed to go to the bathroom.

She leaned into him to soak up his warmth. "You are so hot," she said. "It's about time you noticed," he teased.

You told dad you didn't know what happened to his underwear. But You'd just flame-broiled his shorts on the grill.

Life isn't supposed to be easy. Generally speaking, the harder something is the more rewarding the results will be.

I missed you all my life,” Kylie said. “I didn’t know I missed you, but I know it now. You were supposed to be there.

God won’t give you more than you can handle.’” Holiday chuckled. “And we just wish He didn’t trust us so much, right?

Whatever you are, whatever gifts you end up getting, you’ll find that time will make those changes less scary as well.

She's not the one I want." His words came out terse. "It's you. It's been you since...since the minute I first saw you.

I personally think the downside of being able to change into anything is the fear that you don't know who you really are.

Change his mind. Tell him you're sorry you grilled his shorts." That you're sorry you've got ice running through your veins .

Nana used to say whenever you start feeling like the world is taking a bite out of you, bite back by counting your blessings.

She simply stood there and waited for him to show her the next move. And hoped it only involved sword fighting and not seduction.

Just because a person is young doesn’t mean that being loyal to someone isn’t important. And it still hurts if someone isn’t loyal to you.

Why does ice cream go with a broken heart?" Kylie asked. "Because if you eat enough of it, it freezes the heart and numbs the pain for a bit.

She couldn’t help wondering if that was how one made the decision to forgive or not. If letting go hurt more than accepting someone’s mistakes.

Kylie turned and the spirit of the murderous woman stood beside her. 'You did this, didn't you?' 'Why would I burn up my own phone?' Derek asked.

Me?" All the crappiness of the day, of the last few weeks, zeroed in on this high and mighty B with an itch, and the scared-rabbit feeling faded.

Being committed or loyal to someone doesn’t mean you won’t ever be attracted to someone else. It means you won’t physically act upon the attraction.

I’d kill for you, Kylie Galen. But more than that, I’d die for you.” She felt a tear roll down her cheek. “You’d better not die on me, Lucas Parker.

...Our heats want the good to win. We're still afraid, we still make mistakes, but if we listen to what our hearts want, we will find the right way.

But I have to go. Thank you, Kylie Galen. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for teaching me to think beyond myself. Thank you for everything.

Long story short, ghosts just coming out of the closet sucked at communication. Probably as bad as a beginner ghost whisperer sucked at getting them to communicate.

I became blinded by what I thought I needed to do. I was wrong. I was stupid. But not for one minute did I ever stop loving you. And that's why I deserve to be forgiven.

This isn't fair. I tell you guys everything. I don't hold back anything." "Believe me, I know," Della said. "I know more about you and Perry's relationship than the law allows.

You will be what you are, and whatever it is, you will be fine. Everyone has to accept that and love you for who you are; it doesn’t really matter where your heritage comes from

She remembered when they were kids and he'd caught the rock that the bullies had thrown at her. At six, she'd considered him a hero. At sixteen, she considered him a heartbreaker.

Did you found something? asked she with hope. Yes, this until... Until what...? Until you stick your breasts on my back.And you realize that now I can't think about lions anymore!

I mean . . . who was it that said if the door is locked, find a window. If the windows locked, well . . . break it. If it won't break then find a freaking sledgehammer and make a new one.

There are no guarantees. Not with love or with life. But we can't go through life never taking a risk... Put our hearts out there. Take a chance with a boy. We might end up hurt, we might not.

Boy trouble, huh?" "Boy catastrophe is more like it. I'm not sure I can do this." "Do what?" Concern sounded in Holiday's voice. "Do Lucas," Kylie said. Holiday made a funny face and raised one eyebrow.

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