I love weddings.

Being dumped sucks, period.

Sorry, never been a car guy.

I'm not a big room service guy.

I love when people get engaged.

I love that my fashion is such a big deal.

Nik Wallenda and his family are legendary.

I love finding little places off the beaten path.

I love live TV, and there's no replacing or faking.

Should there be double standards in the world? Maybe.

No guy - and I mean no guy - should wear a bikini bottom.

Guys want to be reassured, too - even the manliest of men.

Sometimes marriages break up, sometimes relationships don't work.

Real life happens. Sometimes it's messy. Sometimes it doesn't work.

I hear from many soldiers who are proud members of Bachelor Nation.

I'm not really the type of guy that dates out loud, lives out loud.

The thing I've learned is less is more. I travel as light as possible.

There are few shows on television as strong and iconic as 'Millionaire.'

I don't always want to wear the same outfit, so why where the same ring?

Unfortunately, no matter how much time you get, you can always use more.

I love clothes, and I love pushing the envelope and having fun with stuff.

The Bachelor's' a very interesting thing, you can't fake your way through it.

I'm a big foodie and I love the Food Network. I watch it alarmingly too much.

I am intensely private and don't live out loud despite what I do for a living.

You are responsible for the choices you make in this life period, end of story.

Hosting the Miss America Pageant is a job all TV hosts dream of one day holding.

I loved being in love, I loved my marriage and being married and all that stuff.

Hard to believe, I'm sure, but I am not a tattoo guy. Never had one and never will.

I don't believe we get to choose in life what we get to deal with and what we don't.

Dating is hard. It's difficult and not quantity, but quality. Finding a good person.

I attempt to do my best and do what's right, but that doesn't mean I'm always right.

Everybody understands companionship, wants it, gets it, no matter what it looks like.

Live TV is unlike any other animal. I love the adrenaline rush. I love the unexpected.

It's very rare I'll watch anything I'm a part of and think, 'I wouldn't change a thing.'

I always liken it to being a referee - if you notice the referee, that's not a good thing.

You never really see me, unless its accidental, in the tabloids or any of those magazines.

I was just a scrawny, skinny kid just trying to survive like any other boy in high school.

Before every season we take the Bachelor or Bachelorette out for publicity shots and video.

I always like how a seemingly benign activity that was meant to be fun can turn into drama.

The truth is that the right decision often can't be led with either head or heart exclusively.

I don't believe you get to just act like things didn't happen because it's uncomfortable or sad.

You want to watch TV and escape for a second, and that's what 'The Bachelorette' has always been.

The scariest thing about reality TV is having all new characters that you have to be introduced to.

There is pretty much nothing more fear-inducing for a Bachelor than finally making it to hometown dates.

How could anybody possibly have a problem with two people falling in love and finding happiness together?

I should be better with my grammar and set a better example for my kids. Just not sure that ain't gonna happen.

The Bachelor' has always been a great show that embraces what's happening in the world and embraces pop culture.

As producers, you always have to go with the flow and be ready to embrace change, and drama and whatever happens.

I have seen so many amazing love stories and engagements and I know how hard it is and how special it is to find that.

I always say 'The Bachelor' doesn't create and drive social issues. We're a microcosm of what's happening in the world.

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