I always admired Graeme Souness.

Well done to the lady lineswoman.

Statistics are there to be broken.

Manchester City are defending like beavers

For managers to win the treble isn't easy.

Alex McLeish has just had his hands in his head

I actually fell down the steps on 'Ninja Warrior.'

I know Jonny Howson well because he's a Leeds boy.

For Burnley to win they are going to have to score.

Barnsley have started off the way they mean to begin.

When I was 15, I used to pick the school football team.

Tense and nervous are not the words, though they are the words

The iPhone is so easy to use and navigate - I'd be lost without it.

When I was a kid it was my dream to play for Leeds, and I did that.

Nicky Shorey is the provider but Shane Long has made this all on his own

This country was fine in my opinion before Brexit, so let's all settle down.

My dad always told me that shoes should be clean and shiny, so I'm really particular about it.

I drink tea like Oliver Reed used to drink beer. I must get through about 12 to 15 cups a day.

Whenever I go shopping with my wife, all I ever seem to come home with is a new pair of shoes.

Football's about winning and I'm a winner, but you also have to set standards and entertain people.

It's a privilege to be a football manager, even when you've been beaten or you're bottom of the table.

You can only beat the opposition that's in front of you, you can only win the trophies that you go for.

I'm into comedy, stuff like 'The Office,' 'The Royle Family,' 'Only Fools And Horses,' 'Bilko,' that sort of stuff.

My only regret is that I didn't play for Howard Wilkinson earlier. I would have achieved more and played even longer if I had.

And I know it's an old cliche, but winning and being in a winning position breeds confidence - cliche or not, it's still true.

I'm not going to change my name unless I know that the public are behind England and show that they want me to become Chris Cabanga.

All my mates are massive Leeds fans because I live in Wakefield, but my best friend in the entire world is the Middlesbrough chairman.

I get racist letters all the time from people who aren't Bradford City supporters. You just laugh at them, tear them up and throw them in the bin.

I sang 'Your Song' by Elton John, and Silva Screen Records were watching. They got in touch with my agent then had the idea of the Christmas album.

This is an old film from donkeys' years ago, but the first film I ever… the first time I ever cried watching a movie was when I was watching 'The Champ.'

I know that every football fan would love to do my job; get paid to watch football and say it how they see it, and I know I'm in a very privileged position.

When I got my first professional contract from Ian St John - the Portsmouth manager at the time - my wages went up to £75 and the big bonuses stayed the same.

There's not a single day goes by when I'm in the UK and somebody doesn't say, 'Unbelievable, Jeff' to me. I must hear it 20 or 30 times a day. It's brilliant.

The greatest thing that has ever happened is whenever I see people in the street, a smile comes on their face straight away and I'm like, 'How did that happen?'

I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd ever be offered a record deal, and to get a Christmas No. 1 would be huge for any performer, let alone an ex-footballer.

I spent the best part of 20 years trying to stop people like Chris Waddle from playing. Now I'm convinced that good touch and loads of movement are the way forward.

I bought a brand-new Mercedes 190E and got a body kit put on in a garage in Swindon. That was a car I absolutely loved, it looked epic with the low skirts and everything.

I've always thought it was a beautiful game and that the ball should be passed around. I also believe you can create goalmouth excitement without resorting to the long-ball game.

When you see the fans all in together - elation and sadness sat next to each other, kids crying and the other half of the family up there, giving it all that - that's just incredible.

Here's To Christmas' is something I'm really proud of and I think it stands up as something fun, but something that doesn't sound half bad too - an album to get everyone into the swing of Christmas!

I got injured just before we filmed 'Ninja Warrior,' which stopped me playing football with my mates. I haven't played football since. I'm crocked now, my back has gone and I feel like my body has packed in.

I always have a bet at the start of each season, looking at the teams and the squads. I know there's a big element of unpredictability but if you've got your financial structure sorted out you've got a chance.

I've been invited to do 'Strictly and they told me who I would be dancing with because, apparently, you have to train with them for six weeks before. But it's just not going to happen because my body is knackered.

When I started at Portsmouth in 1974 there was a strong National Front element in the crowd and they would abuse me even though I played for their team. Racist abuse was part of the game and it was never challenged.

I know it might be surprising to some, but anyone who knows me - especially those who shared a changing room with me in my playing days who first told me I could sing - will tell you what a big fan I am of big band music.

Well, when I was at Leeds it was the best and worst time of my career, because when I was a kid it was my ambition to play for Middlesbrough, where I was born, and my dream to play for Leeds, and everyone said I couldn't have two teams.

I've got some horses which, unfortunately due to my job, I don't spend enough time with them, but they're my release when I get home. I go down to the stables, muck 'em out and spend a bit of time with them and they love me and it's great just going home to see them.

It was quite surreal. Me and my wife went on holiday to America and the security was really tight in the airport. And the security officer that was letting us go through to Los Angeles kept looking at my photo and then he said, 'I know you don't I?' And I said 'Do ya?' and he said 'You're the guy with the bloopers'

Of course David Moyes is going to come under scrutiny because he's taken over from a legend in Sir Alex Ferguson and they've made their worst start to a season in 24 years. But we mustn't take away credit from what West Brom did. Few teams go to Old Trafford and dominate the ball and carve out chances the way they did.

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