I do worry - a lot.

I don't actually own a car.

I don't mind not being cool.

We aren't cool and never will be.

Rihanna is mysterious and fascinating

I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.

Music comes from a place we don't know.

Music is split up now into little pockets.

More idiots should just shut their mouths.

Cool to me is following what you believe in.

He helped John Cusak get his girlfriend back.

People who write happy songs are often unhappy.

I don't drink, I don't take drugs, I don't smoke.

Nothing matters except life and the love you make.

Sometimes we have criticism that is very constructive.

I think in life everyone needs to be broken in some way.

I think shareholders are the great evil of this modern world.

If you don't let love in, then you can't really give it back.

Those who are dead are not dead They're just living in my head.

You gotta wear the right trousers if you're gonna be a rock star.

Some people misconstrue our band just to be a commercial venture.

I'm petrified of reincarnation because, you know, I like being me.

To be totally honest with you, I'm so happy to be alive every day.

Being such a big band is never a problem but it can be distracting.

It's difficult when you're successful, to admit that you need help.

Anything where we're the butt of the joke, no one tells us about it.

The most extravagant thing I've ever bought is 95 tops all the same.

Everything in my life is a fragile decision that somebody else made.

I just want to make the best music of all time with my best friends.

I'm not sure if I can whip, but I can nae nae with the best of them.

I would still give my left ball to write anything as good as OK Computer.

Abstract painting is dead. That's why it has become so interesting again.

I have my moments - usually twice every album - when I basically lose it.

I personally really like getting a proper album with artwork and everything.

I think One Direction are the biggest band in the world, their songs are great.

The goal is to try and make the perfect song. Which of course will never happen.

I know being on a major label is meant to be antiquated, but we're fine with it.

If I hear a song that I like, my first instinct is to find out about who made it.

What was I like as a kid? The same as I am now, just smaller with a higher voice.

I don't mean to sound like a cheap prostitute, but you can call me what you like.

I have a very wonderful separation-divorce. It's a divorce - but it's a weird one.

I have to brush my teeth before I go on stage otherwise I don't feel smart enough.

It's very hard to find things that rhyme with North American Free Trade Agreement.

If a few companies were less greedy, the people at the bottom woud have a lot more.

There is something glamorous to me in taking a bit of a beating and keeping on going.

Even when other people don’t expect a lot out of you,you have to take the initiative.

If you want to be depressed every day, there's plenty of material. The world is crazy.

Life is beautiful in all it's colors, even the darker ones, they're here for a reason.

In my mind, when God made women, he did an amazing job. I think girls are just perfect.

I don't speak particularly well. That's one of the consequences of being extremely ugly.

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