I'm basically a gift-giver.

Half of my employees are women.

I freelanced for the 'Boston Phoenix.'

I expected to go into journalism or law.

I consider Playboy very wholesome, frankly.

You can't delegate turning a company around.

What's funny in Italy may not be funny in Spain.

Playboy's all about why it's worth working so hard.

The power of Playboy is its appeal around the world.

I like dressing sexy, and I like having a good time.

Some, but much of my money is tied up in Playboy stock.

My mother thinks I could have even run a larger company.

Hef is a man of the big picture. He is a creative force.

No, I never thought about my father's money as my money.

I think I've established my own identity here at Brandeis.

I'm motivated and driven, and I have been from a young age.

I have invested in the stock market since I was very young.

I think in terms of what I am able to accomplish and build.

I've lectured at the Harvard Business School several times.

We should all miss bookstores. They let you discover things.

Part of brand management is what you don't do, not what you do.

I never have to this day, because my money is the money I earn.

It's mutual respect and love that are important, not a wedding.

I'm surrounded by very powerful women and very progressive men.

I developed a great sense of self-confidence when I was very young.

We don't fight about money... I hate to see people fight about money.

Relationships between men and women have become much more complicated.

I don't think about financial success as the measurement of my success.

I don't know what a world would be like if you do away with sexy images.

Actually, my parents were separated by the time I was about 2 years old.

Most people sell stock to pay taxes, but I didn't want to sell any stock.

The very first stock I bought right out of college was Berkshire Hathaway.

It's not unusual for someone running for Senate in Illinois to come see me.

I'd guess that 80 percent of the people who work for Playboy are feminists.

I don't think 'Playboy' would have been successfully started on either coast.

I didn't have the luxury of devoting myself entirely to not-for-profit activities.

I had higher math SATs than in English - yet I became an English major in college.

I've always believed that you need to find interactive applications on the Internet.

Nightclubs are a small-revenue business that go through pretty fast popularity cycles.

I believed deeply that digital was an empowering opportunity for Playboy, not a threat.

My father is not that comfortable with children, but he's a terrific father for an adult.

I've always believed that a goal in life is not to own a boat but have a friend with a boat.

I know what the attitudes of the readers are: These are guys who love women and respect women.

In college, my big money memory was saving up to buy a car with my boyfriend, whom I lived with.

In any endeavor, you have to understand your tolerance for risk. What's a failure you can afford?

I'm certainly proud of the transformation of Playboy from a magazine to a multimedia corporation.

Well, I grew up around the magazine and was part of a generation that was embracing our sexuality.

You can learn more about leadership by reading about Lincoln than you can from most business books.

Any brand that attempts to live off a retro appeal is only going through a short second life cycle.

I don't think you can know too many smart people. I don't think you should ever stop meeting people.

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