I love a bath.

Babies are wonderful.

I'm an executive producer.

Exercise is my stress reliever.

I don't eat anything processed.

Everyone's lifestyle is different.

I eat healthy salads and nut butters.

My kids love little things like board games.

My favorite colors are black, white and silver.

If you aren't mentally healthy you aren't healthy.

When I'm stressed, food is the last thing on my mind.

I actually have a hard time finding furniture I like.

I love a good book and a glass of wine. It's like heaven.

Galvanized plumbing was used years ago. Now we use copper.

Tarek and I don't discuss each other's relationships at all.

Being married to Ant, he's a little more industrial than I am.

There is something wonderful about reinventing someone's world.

I focus on the fact that none of what the tabloids said defined me.

Christina on the Coast' is completely different from 'Flip or Flop.'

Anyone who's ever been divorced knows that it holds a lot of emotions.

Giving back is very important to me, especially during the holiday season.

I met Ant through a mutual friend and it was basically love at first sight.

Life has a funny way of letting things fall into place when you least expect it.

It's important when you're coparenting to make sure that you're on the same page.

I'm helping people create beautiful new spaces to spend time with their families.

Things definitely get easier with time... I think that's true in most aspects of life.

I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried food, and I eat tons of fruits and vegetables.

I love to fix up a house, but I also love to help people. I feel like that's my calling.

Usually I only have 30 minutes for a workout, so I make sure to make the most out of it.

I like to do a bronze smoky eye with some lashes and a nude lip. That's my favorite look.

I don't drink anything during the day besides coffee in the morning and then lots of water.

We spend some days just driving around looking for houses that we like that might be for sale.

The day Tarek and I officially started dating, which was October 9, 2006, we moved in together.

It's fun to see the house-hunting process, and what gets you a house on the water versus inland.

Nutrition is very important to me for both my own health and wellness, but also for my children.

I want to show my children the importance of donating our time and energy to help those in need.

Ant is like a big kid and life feels so much more positive with him in it. He really helps ground me.

Social media is a weird thing. People have their keyboard and no face... they can say whatever they want.

In terms of what I eat in a day, for breakfast, I love overnight oats, and I'm also a huge smoothie person.

Between the paparazzi and so many false stories in the media, it was causing me extreme nausea and fatigue.

Everyone's had a setback, but it's how you move forward and what you do with your future, that's what matters.

Honestly, Tarek and I met through work, so we worked together before we even started dating - it's our normal.

I'm really all about lighting, so basically every room in my house has a chandelier, at least all the main ones.

I think most people see me as a glamorous type of person, and at the end of the day, I'm more just a low-key mom.

I like painting, I think it's relaxing. I also like designing; I don't really like the manual labor, to be honest.

The bad thing about galvanized pipes is they rust, and over the years they can get corroded. It's just kinda gross.

For me, my nutrition routine is a way of life, and I have so much energy when I exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet.

It's all about everything in moderation. If I want a glass of wine I'm going to have it, or some chocolate - sure why not!

Most people want things that are light and bright - open floor plans, light cabinets - things they won't get sick of quickly.

A quick 3-mile run around my neighborhood is what I find maximizes my quick workouts and gives me energy to get through my day.

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