History's greatest monster.

Anything is possible with Trump.

Halloween with kids is top 5 holiday.

Sitting presidents are very tough to beat.

Halloween without kids is tremendously bad.

Brain surgery is not like politics and vice versa.

I am done underestimating [Donald] Trump and his appeal.

It's impossible to predict anything when it comes to Trump.

I was 12 minutes late. Let's not make a federal case out of it.

Veep is the best and most realistic political TV show out there.

Talking about and analyzing sports isn't the same as playing sports.

Donald Trump has been rewriting the rules since he got into politics.

Where we are in politics is running down whatever doesn't agree with you.

Being freaked out doesn't mean you can fix what you perceive to be the problem.

People roll their eyes at the idea of Kanye West running for president. I do not.

[Paul] Ryan won kudos both within his membership and the party base for not giving in.

Donald Trump doesn't like to debate and knows in his heart of hearts he isn't great at it.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are, and have been, totally known. Also, broadly disliked.

Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff are the best. You won't have me ever say a bad word about them.

If people don't believe the source, then we aren't going to change their minds. We just won't.

I don't think we can rule out a wave, I think a Democratic takeover is possible but not probable.

Donald Trump is doing remarkably badly among non-white voters and there are lots of them in Arizona.

There are no more slow weeks. I realized this about 3 years ago. Downtime in politics isn't a thing.

You have every right to have your views. But don't let those views get in the way of indisputable facts!

Valentine's Day gifts like teddy bears, chocolate and perfume are SO lame. How about be thoughtful and original?

I don't think Hillary Clinton will get any sort of political honeymoon like George W Bush or Barack Obama enjoyed.

A lack of transparency that fuels the idea that she is either hiding something or simply not someone to be trusted.

I think Donald Trump's natural tendency in all things is to resist any "deal" where he doesn't get to set the terms.

Chaka Fattah already lost the seat in a Democratic primary. So, he's on his way out. And he formally resigned this week.

I eat like a maniac when I am sick. My attitude is if I am going to die anyway in the next 24-48 hours, I mind as well live it up.

I won't be voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton either, both are too flawed in my opinion to be allowed near the Oval Office.

2018 is a horrendous cycle for Democrats. For starters they have to defend 5 seats in states Barack Obama lost either 2008, 2012 or both.

Brexit suggests that there IS some level of non-vocal group who supports positions like those espoused by [Donald]Trump that polls are missing.

I don't think Donald Trump is going to lose by 15 points to Hillary Clinton or even 10. The country still feels too polarized for that to happen.

I do think that even if the average person doesn't care, it IS a big deal. Like, it's been a foundational principle of our democracy for 240 years.

There's a suspicion always about politicians. The suspicion level is really elevated and it just feels like people do not trust their institutions.

I think Twitter is becoming remarkably intolerant and heavily liberal. As in, anything that is perceived as being "pro Trump" is scolded and mocked.

It has been an amazing presidential election in 2016. AMAZING. And I don't take it for granted. This sort of race comes along once every century or so.

For me, I focus on trying to get it right and be as fair as possible. There's not much else I can do. People will believe what they want - facts be damned.

I am not convinced that means [Donald] Trump is a lock to be the next president but it does suggest that what he has tapped into is both lasting and powerful.

I think Donald Trump is simply incapable of sticking to a single message. Or of understanding that he doesn't know better than everyone else in every circumstance.

I think Mike Pence figured that best case scenario he is vice president and worst case scenario he can say he tried to rein Donald Trump in for the good of the party.

Assuming he wins his primary easily, and continues to push back when Donald Trump goes over the line, I think Paul Ryan is well positioned to run in 2020 if Trump loses.

As for whether what happened in Britain improves[Donald] Trump's chances of winning, I don't think so. He has the same chances; we may just be more aware of what they are now.

Mike Pence is the hardest one to guess in 2020 as a leader, because I don't know if he is seen as the heir to the Donald Trump political movement or ig being the heir is a good thing.

If elected, Hillary Clinton will be the least popular president to be elected in modern history. So there's going to be very little incentive on the part of Republicans to work with her.

I see no issue with [Donald] Trump spending 48 hours in Scotland.Whether accidental or intentional, the fact that he was there when Britain voted to leave the EU was a good thing for him.

Of course, with the last ads shipped and the last polls conducted, there'€™s not much to do but try to read the tea leaves. And from what Democrats are seeing, it doesn't look good. At all.

I think the desire to reject elites, to retreat within more comfortable geographic and personal borders and to lash out at political correctness is not a phenomenon unique to Britain or the US.

Every member of Congress and every Senator kind of runs their own race with their own message because they don't want to necessarily have dictated from the White House what that message should be.

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