Once a maggot, always a maggot.

Everyone in my family is a hero to me.

I usually shop at Charlotte Ruth and Bebe.

Developing a series is a next step for me.

You don't need really expensive clothes to look cute.

See, food I can talk about. I'm Italian, I know the food.

And I'm working with all these great people at Sony Publishing.

I just got a body wave because I wanted it to look good when it was down.

And after I make a lot of money, I'll be able to afford running for office.

The cool part about working for Disney is that they've allowed me to be a change agent.

So that's what's going on right now, and I'm looking to put out an album within the next six months.

You know, I'd love to do a Maxim shoot. But I'm not going to do it, because that's just stupid to do.

I gotta get working, you know? I've been too busy. I've been trying my hardest, but it's really tough.

I'm recording an album. It's sort of techno mixed with garbage - you, know, intense in-your-face music.

People who can't rely on their wits and intelligence to reach success -- that's not what government is about, and that's not what I want.

So a lot of me is still a little kid, and I think that kind of helps alter my sense of reality - it makes me able to just become Belle every single night.

In my heart of hearts, I know that whatever I do is going to have integrity, and I'm going to work really hard, and I know that fans are going to take to it.

When I got my braces removed, I felt more like a real woman, any traces of my childhood were stripped, just like the cold metal that inhabited my mouth for 2 years.

I want to be a positive influence in little girls' eyes. Little girls need to be confident and grow up with a healthy state of mind. It's a tough, tough world out there.

Just like Tim Robbins is very political - and obviously, Arnold Schwarzenegger must be - I want to be able to have this public personality that's considered authoritative.

As a performer, much of my life has been spent in the spotlight. I know how important appearance can be to teens, especially the impact it can have on the way you feel about yourself.

I think I'm going to put together a compilation under Disney's name of my songs that I've done for them - because I've done six or seven by now! The latest was for the Princess Diaries 2 soundtrack. So that's the next thing that's coming out.

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