People whine, 'I haven't succeeded because I haven't had the breaks.' You create your own breaks.

I like Ben Stein. I think he's funny, creative, and an insightful commentator on a host of issues.

If your soul needs healing, the prescription you need is not Chuck Norris' tears, it's Jesus' blood.

If the government decides to become a tyrannical government, our guns are to protect us against that.

Always remember that your success begins inside you: If you can't see it first, no one else ever will.

I've been very fortunate to be able to use my series as a platform to show a good message for the kids.

If your child is starting a new school, walk around your block and get to know the neighborhood children.

I think a lot of my shyness and non-athleticism came because I didn't have a father to instill those in me.

There's no reason we can't all live harmoniously together, and that's what I would say to the head of Iran.

Getting into a sleep routine before the first week of school will aid in easing the shock of waking up early.

If some thug breaks into my home I can use my roundhouse kick, but I prefer he look down the barrel of my gun.

Asking your children about their fears or worries about going back to school will help them share their burden.

It makes good sense for planners everywhere to provide more facilities in general that are aimed at older folks.

Taking in too much added sugar from highly marketed sugary foods and drinks displaces healthier foods in the diet.

The 3 key components for success are as follows: Psychological Preparedness Physical Conditioning Mental Toughness

It's important to concede that modern pesticides have helped to make farming more productive and to increase yields.

No one's perfect. And we've all made our mistakes and you just have to live with them and try to not make them again.

My whole goal in my film career is to project a positive image on the screen, that I hope people will enjoy watching.

I served four years in the Air Force in South Korea, and my brother, Aaron, served in the Army there, too, on the DMZ.

If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can't just sit back and hope it will happen. You've got to make it happen.

I'm very grateful for every thing I have. You know when you start losing that then you start losing what life's all about.

Martial arts was really the first thing in my life that I followed through on and accomplished a degree of proficiency for.

There are few problems in this world that cannot be solved by a swift roundhouse kick to the face. In fact, there are none.

One of my life's principles is to develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways and to help others do the same.

People have a hard time believing that, but not having a father around, being shy, I just never participated in sports much.

You can always tell a person's real character and personhood by those who closely surround him, especially if they're family.

We either go one direction, left, which would be socialism. Or right, which would be people trying to make the money themselves.

My acting is atrocious, to say the least. But I've found that it's not acting that people are concerned about, it's your presence.

A walk in nature is a perfect backdrop to combine exercise, prayer, and meditation while enhancing the benefit of these activities.

A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do.

I really believed that Mike Huckabee had a vision for our country, and the more I was around him the more I was impressed by this man.

For our veterans to have to wait long periods of time to receive care is not only unacceptable to us, but to elected officials as well.

A lot of people give up just before they're about to make it. You know you never know when that next obstacle is going to be the last one.

Some of the most miserable people I know are some of the richest people in America, they are the most miserable individuals I've ever seen.

The key to the future in an aging society is not found in increasing just our life span; we need to increase our health span at the same time.

Life is very fragile and you never know when it is over. Only one instance and then it might be too late to accept Gods offer for forgiveness.

I think setting a goal, getting a visual image of what it is you want. You've got to see what it is you want to achieve before you can pursue it.

People need to realise what real happiness and success is, because success as an actor is fleeting. You can be up there one day and gone the next.

I have a lot of guns on my ranch. I don't use them for hunting. I'm not a hunter. It's for protection. The Second Amendment was designed for tyranny.

It's the bullies who are afraid, are the ones that do all the fighting. It's not the secure kids that get out there and fight. It's the insecure kids.

While I filmed the 'Walker, Texas Ranger' series for eight and a half years, I had never had much time to read, except for screenplays of the episodes.

My mom was essentially a single mother raising three boys. If anyone could have had any reason to give up, it was her. But she didn't, and neither did we.

GOP leaders need to let go of their ego factions and come together with one primary goal in mind: keeping 'Billary' from getting back into the Oval Office.

Unfortunately, people are re-interpreting the Constitution as a living document, and it's not. It's a solid-based document and it shouldn't be played with.

Every day, we are bombarded with a multitude of toxins in the environment. We know that the negative health impacts from this constant exposure can add up.

If America's Founding Fathers espoused openness to religion, creationism, and the Bible being taught in schools, then it beckons the question, Why don't we?

Despite what Washington thinks or does on this 15th anniversary, we the people will never forget those who perished and the lessons learned on Sept. 11, 2001.

As the adage goes, 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me'... It's time for patriots everywhere to rally together again and take back America.

When children are exposed to advertisements for unhealthy food, they will, in turn, consume significantly unhealthier rather than healthy calories as a result.

The Apostle Paul did what he had to do to spread the message of God. I realize that that is what I have to do; I have to bite the bullet and overcome my shyness.

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