I do think that our freedoms are at risk.

It takes a person with a mission to succeed.

I grew up in a religious environment, and I'm proud of it.

Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.

I certainly have some very strong libertarian leanings, yes.

You didn't think of angels as white or black. They were angels.

I'd been very partial to Malcolm X, particularly his self-help teachings.

There are so many people who have this idea of who I am because I'm black.

So many of our conversations (about affirmative action) have been dishonest

To define each of us by our race is nothing short of a denial of our humanity.

And I thank God I believe in God, or I would probably be enormously angry right now.

I tend to really be partial to Ayn Rand, and to The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

I have to admit that I'm one of those people that thinks the dishwasher is a miracle.

I was sympathetic to virtually all groups that wanted to get away from the old system.

I hear people say it affected your self-esteem to be segregated. It never affected mine.

The only people who have quick answers don't have the responsibility of making the decisions.

My grandparents had died in 1983, and suddenly my brother is out jogging before Mass, and he dies.

The myths that are created about the South, about the way we grew up, about black people, are wrong.

I don't believe in quotas. America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights.

I'm not an Uncle Tom. . .. I'm going to be here for 40 years. For those who don't like it, get over it.

Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.

I don't really have the luxury to be bitter. I don't have the luxury of having negative things in my life.

I still have a 15¢ sticker on the frame of my law degree. It's tainted, so I just leave it in the basement.

We've talked more about civil rights after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than we talked about it before 1964.

It really bugs me that someone will tell me, after I spent 20 years being educated, how I'm supposed to think.

I was Catholic. You talk about a minority within a minority within a minority: a black Catholic in Savannah, GA.

I disagree with the prevailing point of view of some black leaders that special treatment for blacks is acceptable.

The thing that bothered me when I was in college was that I saw myself rejecting the way of life that got me to where I was.

I've probably given more speeches, been on TV more than any other member of the Court - or almost any other member of the Court.

If I were a black liberal, I would be hailed, I guess. But I'm not. I mean, I think for myself. I want to make my own decisions.

A judge should be evaluated by whether he faithfully upholds his oath to God, not to the people, to the state or to the Constitution.

The White House said today that Judge Clarence Thomas, President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, had smoked marijuana while in college.

My grandfather could barely read. My grandmother had a sixth-grade education. They were people who were industrious. They were frugal.

I love being around people who work with their hands, who do the hard things to keep our country going. They're just my kind of people.

It would seem that some black people want to say that when you, as a black, become successful, you cease to be black. That's ridiculous.

I was never a liberal. I was radical. I was cynical. I was negative. But, I was never a liberal. I always saw that as too lukewarm for me.

The truth of the matter is we have become more interested in designer jeans and break dancing than we are in obligations and responsibilities.

People get bent out of shape about the fact that when I was a kid, you could not drink out of certain water fountains. Well, the water was the same.

I agree with the (Supreme Court's) holding that racial discrimination in higher education admissions will be illegal in 25 years. They are illegal now.

But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions.

I think Juan stopped short - he got halfway to the destination and got off the train. He is certainly an excellent writer and a good person, but I'm not a nationalist.

Any discrimination, like sharp turns in a road, becomes critical because of the tremendous speed at which we are traveling into the high-tech world of a service economy.

If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything-and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.

I think, though, if I had to look at the role of government and what it does in people's lives, I see the EEOC as having much more legitimacy than the others, if properly run.

Unfortunately, the reality was that, for political reasons or whatever, there was a need to enforce antidiscrimination laws, or at least there was a perceived need to do that.

My grandfather, as I said, was industrious. He'd had a variety of jobs and decided sometime in the 1940s that he would never work for anyone. He was also a very independent man.

There's a difference between someone who's 'harsh' and someone who is 'hard.' Life was hard. You lived in the South, as my grandparents did, and you had to survive. That is hard.

In our society, marriage is not simply a governmental institution; it is a religious institution as well, today's decision might change the former, but it cannot change the latter.

Perhaps some are confused because they have stereotypes of how blacks should be and I respectfully decline, as I did in my youth, to sacrifice who I am for who they think I should be.

Religious liberty is about freedom of action in matters of religion generally, and the scope of that liberty is directly correlated to the civil restraints placed upon religious practice.

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