One of my role models is Marion Cotillard.

It was an honor to meet the iconic Stan Lee.

Lucca, in Italy, is my favorite vacation spot.

I like kind of the rugged bohemian kind of look.

I exercise regularly and try to cook my own food.

I love Wes Anderson films, which are quirky and funny.

Staying home and watching French movies is what I normally like to do.

I like to create a lot of texture in my hair, and I like it a bit messy.

For an everyday look, I prefer natural-looking skin with a healthy glow.

I'm a Bobbi Brown girl at heart, and I'm proud to be its ambassador in Asia!

I'm a fan of judo, so I always try to watch competitions like the European championship.

As I travel around the world, I'm realizing that every place I go influences me in some kind of way.

My friends and I will go out for dinner and drinks, but I don't really go dancing or anything like that.

I always make sure I deeply hydrate my face with ampoules or facial masks every four hours when I'm on the road.

Like the French, Koreans aim for a subtle and effortless look - while actually paying a lot of attention to the details.

When I tell people I'm from South Korea, almost 10 out of 10 say something like, 'Koreans have great skin!' And it's true.

Growing up, Karuna Shinsho on CNN was one of my idols, so I wanted to become either an anchorwoman or an international lawyer.

The entertainment industry is not always easy. I really needed to decide I can do this, and I will do this for the rest of my life.

I'm an international studies major. I've been a reporter. I was always interested in media, but I just didn't know specifically what.

I always have to prepare myself emotionally to go to a party. It's a little overwhelming for me, but it's a great place to meet people.

I'm just going to continue to think about what kind of films I want to do and what's out there for me to audition for, and I love trying.

Nothing makes a girl feel more special than being adorned with some lovely Didier Dubot jewelry for the 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' premiere.

I try not to use tap water on my face, especially when I'm travelling, to avoid any skin problems. Instead, I'll use bottled water to rinse.

Nagini should be played by an Asian. Scriptwriter J.K. Rowling probably searched for an Asian actress because she researched the origin of Nagini.

I'm not sure if it's just my pride, but I think I was able to bring out a different vibe as a Korean in Hollywood where there are many Korean Americans.

The first time I saw J.K. Rowling, I was sitting across from her at the 'Fantastic Beasts' table read, and I was just amazed by how wonderful she is in person.

I believe being a true Global Citizen means you have the willingness and openness to step outside of your own boundaries, and I'm honored to represent that with TUMI.

I got into modeling first, then acting came along pretty soon, and I landed my first role in a Korean drama without education, without any acting experience whatsoever.

Before Hollywood happened to me, I just took a break to think about whether I belong in the industry or whether I should be listening to whatever people were telling me.

I did 'The Avengers.' 'Marco Polo' happened at the same time for me. So working that schedule out was a bit of an issue, but I was fortunate enough to make both things work.

Not all the roles that I've gotten were stereotypical, but in Korea, especially for TV, it's a bit limited for women in their twenties and thirties. There aren't enough female roles.

Diversity has definitely been increasing, but still we have the issue of inclusion, and that is why I am so grateful about playing the role of Nagini in the 'Fantastic Beasts' franchise.

Some people suggested that I should try something else. It was a lot of things, but nothing really stood out for me. Nothing felt right, and this job as an actor happened by coincidence.

I personally love auditioning. It's not just about that part: it's about getting to meet new people and really introducing myself to them - getting my name out there more than getting just that project.

Compared to some Asian countries, I think Koreans like to keep a clean, fresh, and lively look: A well-moisturized face, a light, sheer base, natural, colorless eye makeup, and a slight stain of color on the lips.

When I found out that I'm playing Nagini, I thought it was meaningful because it's an important character in the 'Harry Potter' series. 'Harry Potter' is a franchise film with many Caucasian actors, so I thought many Korean viewers would be happy.

I moved to New Jersey when I was five, and I lived there for about six years. My dad was allocated to the New York branch of his company. Looking back, I'm so grateful because I got to learn both English and Korean at the same time, and it was just so natural for me, and it made it so much easier to study English afterwards.

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