I never hire a stylist.

I know London very well.

I believe you have to make things happen.

I'm never anywhere for more than three weeks.

I just love a girl in a hat. It's really sexy.

If I ever get married myself, it'll be in jeans.

If I ever get married myself, it’ll be in jeans.

To embody a character, you have to lose all judgment about them.

I can wait for film projects without having to do things to live.

I don't know if I see myself as an actress for the rest of my life.

I actually don't trust anyone who tells me they don't like New York.

I constantly make fashion mistakes but I think it's good to take risks.

Acting makes you look at life and try to understand it in a beautiful way.

When it comes to fame, I am in a very convenient position. I live a very normal life.

My references, my musical tastes, everything that I like, in fact, comes from the '70s.

I've always felt lucky because my parents included my sister and I in their cultural life.

I think denim is something everyone feels comfortable in. It's kind of my uniform, really.

There's a kind of amateurishness among French actresses, but I don't share that completely.

I knew fashion was going to be part of my job, so I thought I might as well have fun with it.

I've often been told that I'm a bit strange. I hear that pretty regularly, but it is not how I see myself.

I love fashion, and I've always wanted to do costume design, but I'm in jeans and T-shirts most of the time.

I think what is interesting in life is all the cracks and all the flaws and all the moments that are not perfect.

In Los Angeles, you feel like everything revolves around the movies. In Paris, you still have other things to do.

I didn't want people to decide what I was going to wear and what I was going to look like and how I should behave.

I believe a lot in the relationship between performers. When you're supported by someone's eyes, you're not alone.

I didn’t want people to decide what I was going to wear and what I was going to look like and how I should behave.

I've been wearing jeans all my life. I remember my first denim as a kid because my mum used to buy me OshKosh overalls.

Paris is where my family are, but it's not really home now because I have dear friends in London and dear friends in New York.

A film is a great deal about what you see, and the silhouette of a character tells you a lot. I'd love to go into film costume.

I think it is important to pass on the message to young people who are going through a difficult time with friends that it will pass.

The more you live, the better an actor you are, but maybe I'd like to do something else on the side. Something to pay the bills as well.

I feel like I'm extremely normal. I do have a bizarre face that's a bit out of proportion. I guess that's why some people see me as strange.

An actor alone is a bit naked. Like when you do something in front of your mirror, you're usually really bad, because you're looking at yourself.

That's the problem with the Internet: You do a naked scene and then it's taken out of context and put on websites that have nothing to do with film.

In the '80s, I was the only one who didn't watch the shows about teenagers. I had to go over to friends' houses to see them. I still don't have a TV!

I'm always curious about anyone who has enough passion to go onstage and say, 'This is what I'm really passionate about.' It's always worth listening to.

You have to encourage people not to give in to the temptation to be normal, even if it isn't easy - because when you're young, you really want to belong.

When it comes to photo shoots, there was a clear moment for me when I thought, 'I'm going to have to enjoy this because it's going to be a part of what I do.'

I realised that since I was a child I wanted to be an actress just to dress up in big fabrics and corsets and have adventures riding horses with lots of blood and action!

I think the people we meet in life and the loves of our lives are very, very important in what we become, like change us - when it's right, probably change us for the best.

There are very few actresses who can grow old and still get exciting parts... I think it's very important for me to have wider horizons, rather than just waiting for calls.

I think it's too bad when teenagers become conformist in terms of fashion,because it's the ideal time to go off into your own crazy thing without looking completely idiotic.

I used to spend hours at night, downstairs, in front of the only full-length mirror in the house, standing on the table working out what I would wear to school the next day.

Once I caught my dad in front of the TV watching a tennis match, and I realized they were tricking us. Poor guy, he had to sneak in a tennis final - probably the French Open.

I have a lot of respect and admiration for someone like Cate Blanchett, find Emma Thompson wonderful, Meryl Streep inspiring, Juliette Binoche full of light and Catherine Deneuve incredible.

My mother kept alive the best part for my sister and me. At the same time, she's always been someone who's very straight and solid, which wasn't that -common in families with "'68er" parents.

Actresses are so spoilt - we have someone who does our hair for us on set, so we don't know how to do it ourselves in real life. I know how to wash my hair and brush my teeth, but that's about it!

I am interested in costume. Clothes in your daily life are important: your choices say something about you, even if what they're saying is about non-choice. And what you wear in a film is crucial.

To me, performing means trying to do the most you can with the partner in front of you, with the story you're telling. There are actors who have carried me, who have brought me elsewhere or with them.

I wanted to draw and do costumes. I was prepared to train for that, but I needed something to do on my time off from high school, so I called an agent without telling anyone and started working with her.

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