I was a mama's boy.

I like scoring against everybody.

Just being in Europe was a grind.

You've got to go out there and fight.

It has always been my dream to make it as a pro.

All you can do is play how you know how to play.

I'd rather be someone that's underrated than overrated.

The most important thing is qualifying for the World Cup.

You don't want to hit your peak until late in the season.

I've always been a competitive person, wanted to be on the field.

I love soccer. That's my passion. That's what I make a living doing.

I like being able to look in the mirror and seeing a smile on my face.

I liked rap from a young age, from listening to MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.

You always have to stay motivated and try to make the most of where you're at.

At certain times during your career, at different ages, you feel better than others.

You've got to do what's best for you and what you want to accomplish in your career.

Maybe the law don't always handle things, but that doesn't mean things don't get handled.

The more games you get, the more confidence you gain. I started to set the bar high for myself.

It's always great to be home and play in front of family and friends, especially for a big game.

It's always kind of a weird thing when you come back from an injury, especially with your heart.

Pressure brings the best out of people, or it can bring the worst out. It's just how you use it.

I remember, growing up, losing a sister, and - life is short. Make the most of your opportunities.

Family comes together when you deal with hard times because it's the only way you know how to cope.

It's easier to destroy than it is to create, but I've always enjoyed the creative aspect of the game.

I have a lot of great memories of playing in Dallas as a kid, and I'm proud to represent Nacogdoches.

There were other clubs that I had options to go to, but Fulham has always kind of been like home to me.

We didn't have money put away in the bank for a college fund; soccer was our lottery ticket, our gamble.

You always want to score as many goals as possible, but the most important thing is if the team does well.

I'm grateful to Fulham for allowing me to come back on loan, where it all kind of started for me in Europe.

In college, I joined a team Bible study. God's Word brought me peace and a desire for a relationship with Him.

When you come in with the national team, there's an adjustment period. Sometimes you don't have time to adjust.

If you're having sequences where you're keeping 20 passes or more, then you're only growing in confidence in the game.

Little did I know that the sport I loved and the skills I learned would later play a role in my relationship with God.

With the national team, you never know how long you've got, so you always have to be pushing and making the most of it.

It's always difficult, when you have such a quick turnaround and a long flight, to try to get ready for a game so quickly.

The players you really feel bad for are the younger players, who haven't had a chance to experience playing in a World Cup.

That's all I'm programmed for: to keep pushing and to try to make the most of my career and my life, to take care of my family.

When you see that your kids are proud of you, that they're excited to wear your jersey and cheer you on, it doesn't get better.

The only way you're going to make it is to have a hunger for success and a will to win. That's something that's always pushed me.

You always want to play at the highest level possible and make the most of your career, and I felt like I did everything I could.

I grew up and went from Nintendo to Super Nintendo to N64 to GameCube to Nintendo Wii to Xbox - I've always enjoyed playing games.

There's always room for quality players in a team. The trick as a manager is to figure out how to bring the best out of your team.

Anytime you get good service to the box, it's always great as an attacking player because it gives you more opportunities to score.

All-Star is something that's exciting for the fans: it's a way for the fans to see their favourite players all play at the same time.

I'm at peace with what I've been able to accomplish, not only domestically but abroad, and what I was able to do on the international level.

I always kind of struggled a little bit with being captain sometimes, because sometimes you feel like you have to be someone that you're not.

It was frustrating when the managers would change; you'd go to the bench and try to work your way back into the team. But it makes you stronger.

I played three seasons when I was in MLS before I went to Europe, and every year, I was able to be selected for the All-Star, which was an honor.

For a number of years, I struggled and put distance between God and me. But He was faithful and patient and provided gradual healing and strength.

If I feel compelled or feel that I really need to say something at a certain time, I'll say it. But more do than not; I'm trying to lead by example.

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