I was Miss Chicago in 1946.

I'm so sick of Betty White.

Don't eat sugar. It's stupid.

I've taken care of myself all my life.

Everything is so sad and so wonderful.

I'm so sick of Betty White. Never liked her.

I stopped eating meat when I was 35. Thank God.

Im having an amazing life and it isnt over yet.

When something is truly funny, it's funny all the time.

I took piano lessons and dancing lessons. I was very good at piano.

I've been so relieved and so grateful to not have a god to believe in.

For the love of God, will someone please punch me in the face so I can see some stars?

I don't feel like I'm really in the public eye because I feel like I'm one of the public.

I always wanted to be healthy and look good. I taught myself in my mid thirties about eating right.

I make fun whenever I go. If I go to restaurant by myself, rest assured, people will be talking about it.

Extraordinary miracles, billions and trillions of them, happen all the time, but not because there's a God.

I think husbands and wives should live in separate houses. If there's enough money, the children should live in a third.

Now men and women are separate and unequal. We should be hand in hand; in fact, we should have our arms around one another.

Why can't we build orphanages next to homes for the elderly? If someone were sitting in a rocker, it wouldn't be long before a kid will be in his lap.

I live a very leisurely life. When I do work, it's not work: it's great fun and exciting and fresh. New, wonderful, talented people. It's great pleasure and great fun.

If you brush your teeth, you don't want to eat something right after because your mouth feels so fresh. So brushing your teeth actually prevents you from eating until later.

Let whatever's going to happen, happen. Don't judge it before you do it. Sure, sometimes it will be terrible, but sometimes it will just be amazing. That's where the gold is.

I am from Des Moines, Iowa - not even the city but out in the country. I don't have a lot of trappings, I think, in my personality. I'm just a simple person with a silly bone.

My son became my manager, and he said to me, 'Mom, if you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?' And out of my mouth immediately came, 'Dancing With the Stars.'

The reason I am a good actress, I think, is because the times when I didn't have a good part... and you think, 'What the hell do you do with it?' You have to figure something out.

I make fun wherever I go... If I go to a restaurant by myself, rest assured, people will be talking about it. I always have a great deal of fun being with people. It's part of the journey.

I don't look for roles, for they come to me. Mind you, it's not like I'm sitting in the middle of the floor with thousands of scripts around me. When work comes up, it's good. I love it. Work doesn't feel like work.

I don't stress at all. When other people say, 'I'm having a bad day,' I ask, 'How can you have a bad day for the entire 24 hours, or even 12 or eight hours?' Something bad might happen, but that can't make the entire day bad.

Some parts stay with me for weeks afterward. It's these people that I play. They get under my skin, and I just can't let go of them. I have immersed myself into their lives and into their beings so much that they feel like a part of me.

If I were to do some outlandish role, I always made sure I'd be on Johnny Carson to show that I wasn't that person that I played. I'd be myself. And so people got to know me, I think, and I think they know that I'm honest and truthful and real.

In third grade, my teacher asked me to read in front of the class. I was so touched because that really was the first acting I had ever done, just reading in front of the class. And I was so amazed with the fulfillment I got from being in front of people.

The stuff that's made up about Jesus - that you have to go through Jesus to get to God and if you're lucky, after you die, if you've done everything right, the reward is you get to sit on the right hand side of God. All that is made up by men. People made it up.

I have a terrible image in my mind of a cow going to slaughter. There's not a lot of fight in them. Pigs, they'd squeal and thrash around. They'd fight. It's almost as if cows don't know they have a choice. Not that they don't panic, but they do so in a quiet way.

When I decided to become vegetarian, I had to learn how to 'recook,' if you will. For example, I used to put red wine in a big pot with the meat that I'd cooked in fat, and it was, of course, delicious. When I gave up meat, I wondered what I would make. That turned out to be vegetables, really organic and fresh.

As soon as I realized that I didn't need meat to survive or to be in good health, I began to see how forlorn it all is. If only we had a different mentality about the drama of the cowboy and the range and all the rest of it. It's a very romantic notion, an entrenched part of American culture, but I've seen, for example, pigs waiting to be slaughtered, and their hysteria and panic was something I shall never forget.

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