This face was given to me by God!

I can literally hear you getting fatter.

Pro wrestling is what provided for my family.

I live for this. I continue to study. To bump and learn.

There is an honor to what we do, and there are no shortcuts.

'Final Countdown' would be a welcomed tune, even as a competitor.

If it looks stupid on a rooster, it's probably gonna look stupid on you.

After a world title run, you can't really call someone else your leader.

It's amazing to see that people came to see you. That, that was their wish.

I put my confidence in Ring of Honor because they put their confidence in me.

If you're in front of a Ring of Honor crowd and you suck, they'll let you know.

As we formulate big four matches, there should definitely be a lucha presence involved.

Being intercontinental champion doesn't mean you're a champ. It means you're the future.

You don't touch my face! It's a birth right! This was given to me by God! You do not touch my face!

My dad was a three-time world heavyweight champion, so I want to be a three-time world heavyweight champion.

I'm a second-generation professional wrestler. My family, the Rhodes family, has been wrestling for 50-odd years.

Sometimes I just revert back to Dusty's kid. I'm trying to chase his ghost, and it's a pretty hard ghost to chase.

Luke Gallows is now entirely focused with WWE, but he built WrestleMerica, which was very much a Southern-based independent.

I wanted to be a world champion of some sorts since I got into the industry, when I was 15 years old, and I was able to do that.

I work full-time, whether it's on 'All In,' my own show, whether it's Ring of Honor, whether it's New Japan - I make every show.

I believe in hard work, but I believe in vindication as well. You have a few nightmares, I imagine, before you reach your dream.

I'm in the best shape I can possibly be in, and I'm drug-free. I'm doing what I have wanted to do my entire life, so life is good.

WWE is the biggest, most wonderful company, and they have WrestleMania, so almost any professional wrestler is going to seek that goal.

If you're a foolhardy, braggadocio male figure who wants to charge forward in every fight, it has its pros and its cons, that's for sure.

If you're a foolhardy, braggadocios male figure who wants to charge forward in every fight, it has its pros and its cons, that's for sure.

If you ask me what I like about Green Arrow, I can tell you that I read 'Longbow Hunters' years ago and that it's my favorite Green Arrow.

It's kind of a tricky subject because I had a great time in WWE. There were highs and lows, but I cut my teeth there. I met my wife there.

Even if the character is something that seems ridiculous on paper, there's a human element to everything. Otherwise, we don't connect with it.

I had one of the best matches of my career with Matt Cross, and I'd never met him before, until that day. Wrestling will always be in my heart.

I always tried to stand out as a ref. I wore a long-sleeve black Under Armour t-shirt so that you knew I was the cool ref as opposed to the old dude.

It's my whole life, brother. It's a world title. It has been something I've worked for and quested for, and now I have the opportunity to compete for one.

I reached a point where nothing scares me in this industry, mainly because I grew up in it. My earliest memory is 4 years old, getting in a wrestling ring.

The Rhodes in WWE have a wonderful history. I'm glad they let me go. They are the house that built me, and you never know - I might be there again one day.

Shane McMahon did his own mo-cap. Did you guys know that? He went and did his own mo-cap. He didn't want somebody doing his moves. Shane did his own mo-cap.

All you need to do is look down at my boots. My pro wrestling boots that I've worn for the past year have the Triforce symbol from 'Legend of Zelda' on them.

I was a Shawn Michaels fan, so that's a sad memory for me. I'm proud to add a happier memory in that building, even though Christopher Daniels also lost his smile.

My dad had a habit of giving me the Abdullah the Butcher matches as well as the ones with tables and chairs - basically, the matches that went all over the building.

As the leader of the Bullet Club, I can't slow down now. I am an example for everybody who thought just slapping the Bullet Club logo on you would define your career.

Every time someone told me I couldn't, I did. I'm still the same guy who's responsible for one of the better Intercontinental runs of all time and changing that title.

I try to live under a rock when it comes to WWE, but you can't avoid seeing your Twitter feed, people talking about Jinder Mahal wrestling Randy Orton at a pay-per-view.

The feeling, the sensation behind it is, it's exciting to cherry pick and select and be your own boss and to be in control of your own brand; however, it's a lot of work.

I like to think of Christopher Daniels as one of those who's a great professional wrestler, but I like to think of myself as one of those people that's great at everything.

After 10 years of WWE, in a somewhat dramatic fashion, it just didn't feel right, so I stepped out of my contract, and after 10 years of that schedule, I had all this time.

Whenever they bring out a new Zelda game, I'm there. I don't know if it's Link or if it's Zelda with the pointy little ears. I remember thinking as a kid that she was pretty hot.

There are fans who just like their indie stars, and then there are your more casual fans that are more familiar with somebody like Kurt Angle, and their interest might be piqued.

Nothing has been more exciting for me knowing that Ring of Honor is experiencing their best crowds, their best buy rates, and their best merchandise numbers while I'm the champion.

I really got struck by lightning when it came to my decision to leave WWE. If I literally think about that day and who I was then, it's drastic. It almost happened overnight for me.

I think Christopher Daniels' first championship reign with ROH is about 20 years too late, and I fully embrace the role that I've naturally been given here as spoiler for that reign.

I had seen a lot of people who had been released from WWE, or asked for their release, and gone out into the wild unknown. There's more cases of it being unsuccessful than successful.

I had adapted to the blonde. So when they told me I'm going back to do these five episodes of 'Arrow', I was clearly really excited, but when they said I couldn't be blonde, it stung a little.

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