I'm here to play football.

I refuse to take shortcuts.

I don't play for job security.

Training, that's my specialty.

I'll never take the easy way out.

Pressure comes from a lack of preparation.

I'm not incapable of going through things.

You're always going to be mad about a bad play.

I have great teammates around me who make plays.

I have to learn more in order to preserve my body.

Score a touchdown, kiss your tattoo. Kaepernicking!

We have to unite. We have to unify and make a change.

It’s not really pressure, unless you’re not prepared.

I haven't seen a quarterback play a perfect game yet.

I'm going to speak the truth when I'm asked about it.

I was better at baseball, but I really loved football.

You have to take care of the ball to win football games.

The support I've gotten from my teammates has been great.

I just want to improve game to game and try to get better.

I was not going to let people tell me what I'm capable of.

As far as jeans and shirts, I rock a lot of different things.

If intimidation is your game plan, I hope you have a better one.

Every time I step on the field, I step on the field to make plays.

I'll always be a fan of coach Harbaugh. Not too sure about Michigan.

If I got a football scholarship, I was going to be a football player.

If you're going to do something, you're going to do it to be the best.

I'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed.

There is police brutality. People of color have been targeted by police.

I don't look at film that closely about my mechanics of where's my elbow at.

I don't watch too much TV when it comes to sports or news or things like that.

People can talk all they want; that doesn't affect how I go about my business.

I never weighed myself when I was at my lightest because I didn't want to know.

I'm a Brewers fan. I was born in Milwaukee, so I'm all Wisconsin teams all day.

There's a lot of things that need to change. One specifically? Police brutality.

I think the biggest part of my game that's underestimated is the mental part of it.

When it comes down to it, you're playing football regardless of what offense you're in.

I don't believe in pressure. The pressure is not being prepared for what you want to do.

The biggest thing is I watch myself: What I need to improve on, what I can do different.

I don't look like my high school self anymore. I feel like I look more like an adult now.

I think people are really talking about it. Having conversations about how to make change.

I see myself as a quarterback who had the run the option for the offense to be successful.

I watch a lot of cartoons. I watch a lot of "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Phineas and Ferb."

In the heat of the battle, it's always different than when you go back and look at it on film.

There's a lot of things that need to change, a lot of different issues that need to be addressed.

America stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it's not happening for all right now.

To me, I'm going out there focusing on competing, not worrying about cardio or anything like that.

Once I get into the locker room, I turn on stuff to get me hyped up. Mainly, it's a lot of rap music.

To try to prey on athletes' livelihoods while one is going through a tough time is embarrassing to me.

Going out on the field frantic isn't going to help you score points. You have to try to lead your team.

There are a lot of other parts on this team that do great things to make it easy for me to go out there.

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