I have many fans in Russia.

You know, I have a very thick skin.

I decided to be this bearded lady in 2011.

You only can hurt me if I don't know who I am.

Participating in Eurovision felt like coming home

My goal is a Grammy so my songs will have to be good.

I don't focus on negativity, I focus on the good things.

You can't reduce a country to its tolerance or intolerance.

I'm not that powerful to take out the masculinity of a beard.

When not dressed as Conchita I am a man, and a lazy one at that.

I'm living my dream, everything fell into the right place for me.

I love huge dramatic songs with ridiculously big orchestral parts.

It's strange that a little facial hair causes that much excitement.

It's my music. If it's not good enough, then that's how it will be.

I'm just a singer in a fabulous dress, with great hair and a beard.

My biggest inspiration in 'fashion is definitely Miss Victoria Beckham.

Be the best version of yourself rather than a bad copy of someone else!

I'm jealous, I'm moody, I'm really not good to be around as a boyfriend.

We Europeans really have the picture of this very open-minded Australia.

Hey, I'm just a singer in a fabulous dress, with great hair and a beard!

I'm aware of this bearded lady being something that is not really common.

I love myself and the bearded lady is fun and expresses everything I feel.

I have so many incredible fans in Russia, I really badly want to go there.

It was a huge honour to play at the Palladium with the BBC Concert Orchestra.

I am sorry to disappoint you, I'll never compete ever again at the Eurovision.

I like to party at Christmas. We always have a duck, which my brother prepares.

I have a very busy life, and I love meeting people, but I also like to be alone.

Being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) in Russia is anything but fun.

As I always say, you don't have to love me, but you have to respect that I'm here.

I was actually a very confident little kid. I would go to kindergarten in a skirt.

It was shortly before my 18th birthday when I came out and admitted that I was gay.

I love women. I grab every inspiration I can from women and for me it's a bit of fun.

It is truly unbelievable to actually really know that I have fans all around the world.

Expectations are dangerous. I recommend not having any, if only to avoid disappointment.

I always say that tolerance doesn't depend on a country, because there is hate everywhere.

But yes, I really feel great in Austria, I love my home and Vienna is just the best place to be.

I took to the Eurovision stage as an opportunity to talk to Europe about tolerance and acceptance.

It's just unbelievable that nearly every gay human being knows who I am now - that's overwhelming.

Because of the discrimination during my time as a teenager I decided to live my life as I want it.

I started out as being a diva in a golden dress and now to a more bearded drag artist guy in boots.

If you want to be a bearded lady then you are allowed to do that because you're not hurting anybody.

I dream of a world where we don't have to talk about unnecessary things like sexuality, who you love.

The beard is a statement to say that you can achieve anything, no matter who you are or how you look.

It is an honour and it's flattering that people refer to me as someone they trust or get inspired from.

It is wonderful but kind of surreal when people turn to me and say they see some kind of an inspiration.

I do love to have pictures taken and to pose and wear fabulous gowns, so red carpets are a comfort zone.

I always say that my biggest goal is a Grammy, and on the way there I will grab everything that is given.

Seriously I just don't get why straight people are so afraid of the fact that gay people can get married.

Conchita is a symbol of the fact that you just can live a wonderful life when you do what makes you happy.

I've figured out over the years, you can only hurt me if I love you; if I don't know you, I really don't care.

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