I've never seen 'Mad Men.'

This is a public statement: I'm in favor of mixtapes.

I love musicals. When they work, there's nothing like it.

I love musicals; I just couldn't book one to save my life.

I wasn't a very good student. I prefer to learn by experience.

I knew a lot about the Coen Brothers by the time I was 12 or 13.

In college, my voice never quite fit the classic ones like 'Music Man' or 'Carousel'.

It's not often that a strong female role comes across one's desk, unfortunately, but it's getting better.

A relationship is just a giant grey thing. Just beautiful and also frustrating. And it involves everything.

I love a band that has a banjo, that does group harmonies and yells out the word 'Hey' or 'Woo.' I live for it.

That's what's so cool about 'Once:' There is a layer of darker stuff, but it's balanced by this incredible light.

What I love about the Coen brothers - what everyone loves - is that they sort of toe the line of a truly dark comedy.

On my first date, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to eat a la carte, and I said that I would prefer to stay inside!

I got my first kiss while watching 'Titanic', oddly enough, so I think I was more focused on that than the actual movie.

I'm only on Instagram, and it's under a ridiculous name, and I'm friends with, like, five people, all of whom I've had dinner with.

On film and TV sets, they let you sit down. Theater is like pushing a boulder up a hill each night. It's a fun boulder, but it's a boulder.

'30 Rock' is my favorite TV show and Tina Fey is one of my heroes. She was a dream to work with and the whole cast was just absolutely lovely.

I did not have a very in-depth knowledge of 'Star Trek'. I'd seen a couple of the vintage episodes. I knew just about as much as anyone on the street.

I think one of the funniest things about '30 Rock' is that Liz Lemon is sort of like Buster Keaton - she's always the fool, the joke is always on her.

I grew up with a piano, and my aunt taught me chords. I played with bands in high school and I could do like, C chord, G chord, D chord; really simple, rhythm piano.

There's nothing like theater. It's really amazing. But it does take up all of your time. I would like to get into more film, just because I find it super fascinating.

So many people I know are like, 'Nobody listens to Mumford and Sons anymore.' But you know what? I love Mumford and Sons. And I will listen to those albums, and I love 'em.

I used to have a lot of recurring dreams about Captain Hook when I was a little kid, which I remember very vividly. But I think I just really liked Peter Pan a lot, and 'Hook' was my favorite movie.

I've auditioned for musicals a lot, but I think my voice didn't really match what they were looking for. I went to school for musical theater for a year and dropped out. Legit musicals are not quite my forte.

It's weird because I once lost a job because I had a chemistry read with the lead actor, and I could tell we had negative chemistry. He was very lovely, but you could tell. We had the chemistry of two chairs.

I mangle phrases constantly. The other day I was chatting with my boyfriend and I said to him, 'He really sold him under the bus.' And he said, 'I think you meant 'threw him under the bus,' or 'sold him up the river.'

'Callister' is feature-length, and it's one of the coolest things I've ever been asked to be a part of. It's poignant and moving and thrilling. If this was one movie, it would be an accomplishment, and they make six of them.

I'm not on any social media. I know people who have met on Twitter and through Facebook. I had a friend, someone liked her photos on Instagram, and they started direct messaging each other and went out on a date! That's so foreign to me.

I've always lived in New York; I never moved to L.A. I was developing and producing and writing a pilot for a year. That took me out of everything for over a year. When that sadly didn't go forward, I shot 'Black Mirror' right after that.

I've always tried to have a pretty discerning eye with the roles that I've picked, which is maybe why it seems like I take breaks, but really, they're not breaks. It's just that there's not as much out there as one would hope. I'm lucky enough to be able to be choosy sometimes.

I've never been able to keep track of an umbrella, but then my dad gave me this fancy umbrella. It was in his car, and I had again lost some awful Duane Reade disaster umbrella. It was my first adult umbrella that wasn't from a drugstore, and I have left it all over New York, and every time, I went back to get it.

I went through a really good-looking phase from birth to 9. And then things went crazy. I don't know what happened, but between 9 and 14 it was really, really rough. I didn't have a lot of friends. The only ones who were nice to me were the theater kids. And they were like, 'You can come and join us. No one likes us.'

Every time I do a play, it's as if I've never done one before. I'm always confused. I always am convinced I'm going to be fired. I'm like, 'I don't remember how to act. I don't know how to do this.' And, it's just a very slow process, and then, all of a sudden, it's just there one day. I still don't understand how it happens.

I really like playing other people. There is no other feeling like it, to have a different voice come out of you and to have a different life for a couple of hours. I like being myself. But maybe it's like you ride a bike every day and someone says, 'For two hours tonight do you want to ride this Harley?' You'd be like, 'OK yeah!'

It's interesting to me because theater is, on any given day, 10,000 times harder than film and television. And that's not to say film or television can't be hard or challenging; it's emotional to do the same thing over and over and over. But in terms of stamina, there is nothing like an eight-show week to separate the men from the boys.

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