You can't lose yourself.

The gunshot holds no fear!

If you don't love what you are doing, it could be misery.

You have to stay true to your true friends and your family.

I always talk about my characters like they're real people.

It can be easy to get caught up in craziness or insecurity.

I don't throw my clothes out after one wear. Shocking, I know.

Because I'm a pale person, I take care of my skin religiously.

Don't touch your brows. I've never done anything to my eyebrows.

My friends are the friends I've had forever, that's kept me very sane.

My job is all about getting inside another person's mind and thoughts.

My favorite actresses are Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts and Julie Andrews.

I'm home schooled, and I have a teacher that goes with me on all my movies.

I've been a ballerina since I was two, but I've always wanted to be an actress.

I feel very lucky to have been able to travel and see different parts of the world.

I'm the girl that's on the beach with a hat on, under an umbrella. Like, very shaded.

I think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty.

My parents never talked to me like I was a kid. Maybe that's why I've been seen as mature.

My weird thing is, I only tan my legs. My whole body's covered in the shade, and I tan my legs.

I never skimp on TV. I watch an embarrassing amount of TV shows. I don't even know how I do it.

I think my generation is obsessed with instant gratification. We want everything now, now, now.

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters.

I love who I am and I love my life, but if I could be someone else, I'd be Beyonce in two seconds.

My dad named me Dakota and my mom came up with my first name Hannah. So it's Hannah Dakota Fanning.

I learned to read at two. I was in a Montessori school and they teach you to read really, really young.

My advice would be to go with the "love who you are, embrace yourself" vibe that's happening right now.

I can only live my life in this way. I don't think I would be living it a different way if I wasn't acting.

I think I really like psychology because my job is all about getting inside another person's mind and thoughts.

I really enjoy what I'm doing. I think you have to have a good time and not look too far back or too far ahead.

One of my favorite things about doing movies is that you get to do different things you'd never do in real life.

As much as movies are about the words that you're saying, they're also about what's not said, the silent moments.

If I see a movie on TV that I'm in, I usually will watch it for that reason: It's like I'm watching another person.

Acting is what I love to do. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I don't think of it as work. It's really fun for me.

Being a known person is pretty much all I've known. I don't remember much of a time when people didn't know who I was.

There is a lot of negativity that you welcome into your life when you're an actor. You bare your soul for anyone to see.

Charlie Sheen gave me a signed headshot. I think it said, 'Keep it real.' But 'real' was spelled 'reel,' like a film reel.

I love the feeling I get when I'm on a set; I love reading the scripts, playing the characters, getting to be someone else.

I played the young Reese Witherspoon in 'Sweet Home Alabama' when I was 7, and the boy who played the young Josh Lucas was 10.

Well, we became a vegetarian. But that didn't last very long, because, um, I don't like vegetables. Or salad, nothing like that!

Courtney Love is really cool and funny. I would like to meet Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. I think I could play their daughters.

When you're acting you put so much of yourself into working. As much fun as it is, it's still hard work and it's still a challenge.

It's something that's always been there for me, that I have huge blue eyes - it's been something that people have always talked about.

I find dates, in general, horrific. We have to sit there and ask these questions and pretend to eat a meal, and it just feels so stiff.

It's important to be a global citizen at the same time and appreciate different cultures and different people and different ways of life.

Sometimes I am kind of the opposite of my character. But that's the thing about acting, you get to play people who are not like you at all.

I do feel very American. I think it's something I'm proud of and proud to be by chance born here. Honestly, that's something I think about.

You have to be totally one hundred per cent committed to act. I do value everyone else's advice, but ultimately I have to listen to myself.

Everyone in New York is very self-involved. They're focused on themselves. Like, walking down the street, people are just in their own zone.

I have a weird vision of relationships because my parents have known each other since second grade, and they got married right out of college.

ER was one of my favourites. I played a car accident victim who has leukemia. I got to wear a neck brace and nose tubes for the two days I worked.

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