Rulers come and go. It's the people who are the real rulers of the country.

The universe is a single atom: the convergence of science and spirituality.

When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Attention-yes! That's present! And present, you see, makes past and future.

I believe deeply that we must find, all of us together, a new spirituality.

In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.

Ethics: The indispensable interface between my desire to be happy and yours.

There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt.

The practice of love can be expressed in one sentence: 'Do not harm others.'

Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay.

We have a natural creative ability and it is very important to realize this.

As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all Beings.

When reason ends, then anger begins. Therefore, anger is a sign of weakness.

Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Happiness is determined more by one's state of mind than by external events.

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

Spirituality actually must be above politics. Or some other sort of business.

My responsibility is to save Tibet, to protect its ancient cultural heritage.

The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticise others.

The ultimate source of happiness is not money and power, but warm-heartedness

From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside.

When you are warm-hearted, there is no room for anger, jealousy or insecurity.

The female biologically [has] more potential to show affection and compassion.

To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.

A calm mind helps our human intelligence to assess the situation realistically.

Compassion and love give meaning to our activities and makes them constructive.

It's best not to get too excited or too depressed by the ups and downs of life.

I believe that we are fundamentally the same and have the same basic potential.

Learn and obey the rules very well so you will know how to break them properly.

What is the purpose of life? I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.

You can’t help someone just by making a wish to do so, you have to take action.

By being inattentive to the needs of others, inevitably we end up harming them.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

We have global communication and yet confrontation is more common than dialogue.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

When selflessness is seen in objects, the seed of cyclic existence is destroyed.

When seen from outer space, our beautiful blue planet has no national boundaries.

If we make consistent effort, based on proper education, we can change the world.

Through violence, you may 'solve' one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.

Religious belief is not a precondition either of ethical conduct or of happiness.

Do something that scares you every day. You have nothing to lose but fear itself.

The more you are motivated by Love, The more Fearless & Free your action will be.

A Compassionate state of mind brings inner peace, and therefore a healthier body.

Prayer alone will not make a happy life. A happy life must be built. You must act.

If others are happy, we will be happy. If others suffer, ultimately we all suffer.

As our own peace of mind grows, so the atmosphere around us becomes more peaceful.

If the Dalai Lama joins one party, then that makes it hard for the system to work.

There is nothing I can't live without. I learned this attitude when I was a child.

When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.

Genuine harmony must come from the heart. It cannot come from the barrel of a gun.

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