Some 5 billion years from now, there will be a last perfect day on ...

Some 5 billion years from now, there will be a last perfect day on Earth... then the sun will begin to die, life will be extinguished, the oceans will boil and evaporate away.

If we are to survive, our loyalties must be broadened further, to ...

If we are to survive, our loyalties must be broadened further, to include the whole human community, the entire planet Earth.

Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth.

Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth.

I don't want to believe. I want to know.

I don't want to believe. I want to know.

But I could be wrong.

Billions and billions.

We are all star stuff.

We are made of starstuff.

War is murder writ large.

All colours are arbitrary.

Real patriots ask questions.

Not all bits have equal value.

Who will speak for Planet Earth?

Nobody listens to mathematicians.

The open road still softly calls.

Valid criticism does you a favor.

We are all made up of star stuff.

To read is to voyage through time.

Understanding is a kind of ecstasy

We can always take but never give.

Every star may be a sun to someone.

What an astonishing thing a book is.

We are one species. We are starstuff.

We were wanderers from the beginning.

We are star stuff harvesting sunlight.

Your god is too small for my universe.

We can't help it. Life looks for life.

Science is a way to not fool ourselves.

We are the universe experiencing itself.

We are the custodians of life's meaning.

The illegality of cannabis is outrageous.

An organism at war with itself is doomed.

Cleverly designed experiments are the key.

Science is only a Latin word for knowledge

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

We are a way of the universe knowing itself.

He didn't want to believe. He wanted to know.

Wisdom lies in understanding our limitations.

With insufficient data it is easy to go wrong.

My wonder button is being pushed all the time.

There is never only ONE of anything in nature.

[S]cience has itself become a kind of religion.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

We live on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

Stars are phoenixes, rising from their own ashes.

You are worth about 3 dollars worth in chemicals.

Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof.

Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence

Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.

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