I always remember liking school.

There is no suspense in inevitability.

I love collaborating with different people.

All great sci-fi is: Be careful what you wish for.

I'm not sitting around thinking of ideas for TV shows.

Connecting dots is not that rewarding of an experience.

I think that 'The Shield' was a phenomenal series finale.

I don't think anybody wants to see a dour Star Trek movie.

One person's magical thinking is another person's cynicism.

I don't think anybody wants to see a dour 'Star Trek' movie.

If you do something awesome, you should be proud of yourself.

My gravestone will say,'Here Lies Damon Lindelof - Or Does He?

We all look at ourselves in the mirror and think, 'Am I good?'

My gravestone will say, 'Here Lies Damon Lindelof - Or Does He?'

People are disappointed when the world doesn't end on their watch.

The fundamental law of nature is to not know too much about yourself.

I've always felt that really good prequels should be original movies.

I'm not glass-half-full, glass-half-empty; I'm like, "There's a glass?"

Hire people you get along with, and then let them do what they do best.

In television, I don't feel constraints. I feel a lot freedom to maneuver.

Once you spend more than $100 million on a movie, you have to save the world.

When someone says something that really hurts me, I have to retweet it to let it go.

Sometimes diehard fans expect so much that they're never happy no matter what they get.

I'll never be immune to criticism, and that's okay, and I'm very comfortable with that.

I make no distinction between writing and storytelling; I've always wanted to tell stories.

Star Wars' is a galaxy a long time ago, far, far away. 'Star Wars' is not about our future.

The fun thing about doing origin stories is you are introducing the audience to characters.

'Star Wars' is a galaxy a long time ago, far, far away. 'Star Wars' is not about our future.

I love the 'Lost' ending. I stand by it, but there are a lot of people out there who hate it.

I love finding new creative partnerships but then continuing the partnerships I'm already in.

The best jokes on The Leftovers are the ones that make you feel a little sick to your stomach.

In really, really good science fiction the line between the science and the fiction is blurry.

In really, really good science fiction, the line between the science and the fiction is blurry.

If you're constantly hamstrung by worry that people aren't going to like it, you can't do your job.

At some point, you can't take a risk just to take a risk because that's a betrayal, in and of itself.

Lost is a mystery show, so I think that would be stripping the franchise of sort of its essential nature.

For us, there's an inherent process when you're ending something to be thinking about the beginning, as writers.

Michael Arndt, that guy - you're just supposed to say nice things about other writers, but I worship Michael Arndt.

Suffice it to say, there are some very big ideas in Prometheus and, therefore, it covers a very vast expanse of time.

I've always been fascinated by Disneyland and Disney World, and my favorite part of the park was always Tomorrowland.

When someone says something in an interview, the beauty of Twitter is that it's a platform for instantaneous response.

Just put your best foot forward and hope for the best. You also have to acknowledge that you're going to make mistakes.

I think 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy has a very satisfying ending, and there's not really that deep of a mythological construct.

I have found, unfortunately, that if I take on too many projects at one time, there is a higher probability of those projects sucking.

Essentially, there's no scientific evidence whatsoever that could ever be presented to me that would wipe out my fundamental spiritual beliefs.

When you're a writer and you're a producer, traditionally the junkets are really focused on the beautiful people and nobody wants to talk to you.

I was born in 1973, so I did not see 'Alien' when it was released theatrically. I saw 'Alien' when it was on Home Box Office. I think I was probably 10.

As cliched as it sounds, if you have an original voice and an original idea, then no matter what anybody says, you have to find a way to tell that story.

I feel like great TED Talks are ones that are a little bit subject to interpretation, that do provoke further conversation - and potentially controversy.

I saw myself as a teacher's pet but with a little of Ed Haskell mixed in. I was the teacher's pet, but that didn't mean that I was trying to pull one over.

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