I take gun rights very personally.

Crying white mothers are ratings gold.

There is no freedom in peaceful slavery.

We're going to fisk the 'New York Times.'

Steve Bannon puts himself above everything.

Where's the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?

We either believe in accountability or we don't.

The media doesn't understand conservatives at all.

It's not the United States's job to 'protect' Islam.

Not passing Obamacare won't bankrupt America; passing it will.

We are all people who have messed up. I fall short every single day.

Faith without works is dead just as a movement without works is also dead.

Art can be political, but when it becomes politicized, the purity is ruined.

You can have a good time and kick some butt - they're not mutually exclusive.

Conservatism, when presented in full strength at the ballot, wins at the ballot.

I began as a writer and started blogging in 2001, first on politics, anonymously.

People like me who are here in flyover country, we're tired of East Coast moderates.

What battle has ever been won by staying in camp and talking to your fellow soldier?

Palin may be a polarizing figure, but she's more than just a 'political personality.'

The brilliance of Andrew Breitbart is that he has created thousands of Andrew Breitbarts.

I think Ted Cruz does a really good job; he's a rabble-rouser and thinks outside of the box.

I studied dance for about 15 years, various disciplines, with classical ballet as my primary.

I wanted my kids to be able to look at their mom and be like, 'She can take care of herself.'

Though I work in broadcasting and host a daily radio show, I got my start in print journalism.

My grandfather served as a gunner aboard the U.S.S. Alabama in the Pacific theater during WWII.

The fallout from Wikileaks is incomparable to 9/11, the U.S.S. Cole, numerous embassies, et al.

We must heed the call of action and, with courageous steps and humble hearts, work against tyranny.

Conserving the individual is the basis of conservatism. It is classical, de Tocqueville liberalism.

I have a sustained distrust for all politicians, even those with whom I agree on more issues than not.

Conservatives are either stupid or brilliant. Pick a narrative, leftist MSM. You can't have it both ways.

On my show, I often discuss all the ways one can get involved politically on a local level, precincts, et al.

If actual victims of discrimination had to wait on the NAACP to see them to justice, they would never get help.

It's difficult to expect kids not to bully one another when they don't have many examples otherwise in society.

Rallies, marches on Washington, protests, et al. are pointless if there is no action to make them mean something.

My particular rule of thumb is to allow disruptors to let their flags fly. If they want to stage a stunt, who cares?

Our Founding Fathers, regular men who did great things together, established this system along with other regular men.

I can't count a single conservative of my acquaintance that doesn't include charitable work in their list of priorities.

The Left puts their stock in substance and lives on identity and figureheads. It will be the end of the Right to do the same.

Evil is evil, and it doesn't discriminate by dress. Some evil people in the headlines wear designer suits and wing-tipped shoes.

I no longer believe that every leftist simply has a different means of achieving a successful route for America as I did formerly.

I view it as a threat to my and my family's well-being whenever anyone seeks to erode or take away my Second Amendment civil liberty.

We are a richly blessed nation; let's not squander that - one of the worst things we can do is not gratefully acknowledge our abundances.

People always choose self-preservation over the greater good, most of the time, with the belief that self-preservation is the greater good.

I'm a weensy-government conservative from the Midwest, Christian, mother of two, homeschooler, and my hobby, profession, and passion is news.

The Gen X generation never got past 'Reality Bites,' apparently, and my generation, the Gen Yers... Facebook? Maybe a conservative revolution?

The tea party wants to empower people with opportunity and the freedom for the individual to pursue success and keep the fruits of their success.

I don't know if I ever believed in the infallibility of a journalist's objectivity, but I definitely stopped flirting with the notion as a young adult.

As a young woman, I can say that sexist behavior so often perpetrated by the Left is a major reason why I and many other women left the Democratic party.

There is nothing more amusing than when two people known for being non-objective argue over objectivity. This is the summation of Keith Olbermann vs. Ted Koppell.

If we don't want intrusive government, then we need to care for the least among us so that they are not exploited as a reason by the government for bigger government.

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