Ronda Rousey is a huge star.

Greg Jackson is a sport killer

Boxing is your father's sport.

I live a pretty crazy lifestyle.

Kimbo Slice sucks. He's terrible.

You can't force fighters to fight.

Outdoor stadiums scare me to death.

I love talking directly to the fans.

Alexander Gustafsson was never my friend

I hate Showtime, I can't stand those guys.

Don't ever let anybody know you're injured.

There will never be a fighters' union. Ever.

The fighters in the UFC are treated very well.

The UFC brand is going to be here for a long time.

I tried to go to college, I barely got out of high school.

If you're not that big pay-per-view star, shut up and fight.

You'll never hear me say a negative thing about Donald Trump.

I've been in the fight business my whole life. I know fighters.

Different people respond differently to head trauma than others.

I do everything through Twitter, YouTube or the Internet somehow.

Look, people have been filming fights since the beginning of time.

I genuinely love this sport and most of the guys who compete in it.

People try to compete with the UFC but we're the best at what we do.

Listen, everybody thinks I'm a Republican, but I'm not a Republican.

The most famous athletes throughout the history of time are fighters.

I love this sport. I love the fights and I love most of the guys in it.

We put on fights between the best fighters; we don't put on freak shows.

Whoever you are, this is America. You can believe or do whatever you want.

UFC 151 will be remembered as the event Jon Jones and Greg Jackson murdered.

I never have the plan to overtake boxing. I love boxing; I came from boxing.

The reality is this: Fighting isn't a team sport; it's an individual's sport.

The thing where I've always been lucky is, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Ever since I've been on Twitter, my number of followers has kept going up and up.

Whether boxing is fixable or not remains to be seen. I'm going to give it a shot.

If a rating is bad in another sport, do you see a writer say, 'This sport's over?' No.

When there's millions of dollars at stake, everybody is going to look for an advantage.

If somebody doesn't want to show up for a press conference I'll pull them from the card.

I think Cormier's one of the greatest to ever do it. Two-time, two-division world champion.

We want to build this sport all over the world and it absolutely, positively works in the U.K.

I like guys to stay at their weight classes and dominate. I don't want guys moving up and down.

I think you take whatever it is that you would do for free and you figure out the way to do it.

I've had a great relationship with Fox since Day 1. Fox was the network that I wanted to be on.

I saw 'Boogie Nights' more times before the movie came out than any other movie I had ever seen.

Since the beginning of time people have said mean things to each other in a fight, no matter what.

I like to have my Pinkberry. I have this one store in midtown Manhattan that will stay open for me late.

Nothing comes easy. Success doesn't just drop on your lap. You have to go out and fight for it every day.

I'm a huge Ronda Rousey fan. She's extremely talented. What I like most about her is she's mean and nasty.

I'm a loyal person, man, and people who have been good to me in my life, I don't forget and I stand by them.

I have the vision for where the sport is gonna go and what we're gonna do and the different types of fights.

Whatever it is that you're passionate about... try to figure out a way to make money at it and give it a shot.

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