Teen boys are a huge mess.

I don't think I'm the 'Oprah' type.

My favorite movie is 'House of Wax.'

I'm homeschooled with a private tutor.

I've always liked music since I was younger.

I don't have to put up a front to impress anyone.

I'm not really a role model; just don't do what I do.

I just wanna keep Yachty forever, just take him home with me.

I wasn't stealing cars at like, six. But I've always been bad.

My Spotify consists of... definitely Juice WRLD. Comethazine. Ty$.

The 'cash me ousside' girl isn't even a person. She doesn't exist.

Cardi actually says stuff. Nicki just has attitude. So what. Big deal.

There's a softer and harder person in everyone, depending on the time.

I bought a white Panamera - and then sold it because I had no use for it.

I'm just kind of taking what I get and making the best out of it, honestly.

If someone wants to do something, they should just do it as long as they're happy with it.

I feel like I was supposed to be born in the '90s. Everything from that era needs to come back.

I can't even go to the mall anymore. I have to bring 17 security guards... or it feels like it.

I get braids all the time. You can't tell me I'm acting black because I braid my hair. That makes no sense whatsoever.

Ever since I was younger, I was fascinated by cars and driving. The first time I actually drove a car, I was twelve years old.

My goals for the next part of my life: Whatever I'm handed, I'm gonna make the most of it. If it's good for me, I'm gonna take it.

I just don't care what people have to say. I keep pushing toward what I want. It's just how I am. I don't know where I got it from.

I don't really care much about being a meme. That's not what I want to be known for, as being a meme from 2016. That's not what I'm here for.

I used to be a good story writer. I could make up a story with like, eight people in it and tell you where they all lived, what color their houses are.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for everything, but I don't wanna make it seem like I wouldn't be able to survive without fame. 'Cause I did it for 13 years.

I'm just me, all the time. People think, 'She must be an innocent little white girl when she's not performing or making videos.' But no, I'm me all year round, 24/7.

Someone who's fake is someone who acts one way around their family and their close friends, but once they get out in the public, they're this whole different person.

Do what you're happy with and not what you think whoever else is going to tell you about you 'acting a color.' You don't act at all. You just do what you think is best.

I don't want to be like anyone else or do what someone else did. I want to be like me and do what's best for me. I can't go do stuff Cardi B did - that may not work for me.

You cannot act a color. Do not tell me I'm acting black, because I'm not. I'm acting whatever you want to call it - urban. I don't even have a name for it. I just call it 'me.'

I was bad, but I was one of the kids that never got caught. If anyone ever knew I did something, it was because I told them. 'Cause I'm a really good liar, so I end up snitching on myself.

I was always the popular kid that everyone hated. There was no reason for anyone to hate me. I never really did anything wrong. They just didn't like me, so I had to fight back all the time.

People have this misconception that I'm going to beat them up when I meet them. But it's like... no. Just 'cause I stand up for myself, and I'm honest, that doesn't mean I'm going to beat people up all the time.

I'm always gonna do my own thing. I wanna be something - whether I'm 19 years old working at a pet store, or I'm 19 years old with a No. 1 record - I wanna be the biggest I can be to my crowd, no matter what my crowd is.

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