I'm very logical.

I like clean answers.

I lead verbally, not by example.

The Mavericks are a smart organization.

I'd love to be with the Rockets for life.

Everyone 'watches Kobe when the Lakers play.

Someone created the box score, and he should be shot.

Almost no one is a career 28 percent shooter on open 3s.

Someday, I want to live in New York and just go to shows.

I think the reality is that no one is any good at crunch time.

I think the uglier the playoff beard, the better though, right?

I think the whole Rockets organization has done amazing things.

Originally, I think basketball is closer to hockey than baseball.

I think Houston is a city players love to play for, love to play in.

We were trying to build the best team around our talents in Houston.

One thing I've learned is that Brandon Roy is an unbelievable player.

It would be very presumptive of me to think I could help an NFL team.

My goal is to win a championship, so whatever gets us there is what we'll do.

If you had first pick in the all-free agent NBA draft, you'd take LeBron James.

I can't do anything without the ball so when I don't have it I have to go get it!

I think the key to winning a championship is get superstars who are great players.

Most players are like golfers. You don't want them swinging while they're thinking.

Personally, many of my views are not in the mainstream as I am a centrist-libertarian.

It's very tough competition in the West. The Lakers deserve to be called the favorites.

I think if you've got a guy who can create his own shot then you're better off than not.

Isaiah Joe is not too complicated. He's just one of these elite shooters coming out of college.

I could use a Chris Matthews-level speech writer to script everything I say. That would be good.

There's a lot of charming bigs. I don't know if it's like the fat kid on the playground or what.

The only time information is really an edge is if you either have more or you're using it better.

But I leave the arena late in games specifically because I don't want anyone to see my psychology.

I went to business school, because I thought that's where you had to go if you wanted to get rich.

The Lakers do this all the time. They overload the side the ball's on, and play zone on the weak side.

If the money's equal between the Rockets and Mavericks, I think players are picking Houston. Every time.

I strongly support organizations like the ACLU that defend basic freedoms and I have for a 25-plus years.

I think the best way to win in the NBA is to take your talent and figure out how to utilize them the best.

The Rockets know we can't get too up with a 2-0 lead because we've had some struggles in the past with that.

I just feel incredibly fortunate that I got the chance to be part of the Rockets organization all those years ago.

Yeah, I definitely tend towards dry, sarcastic British humor. I actually aspire to be British - I'm pasty white as well.

We don't want to incent a guy to do things that hurt the team. They all maximize what they think they're being paid for.

Everything in life is about habits. Nothing resolved in a single day really matters at all. So I don't do resolutions at all.

To me, when I was a kid, we watched terrible network TV because it was all we had. We watched 'The A-Team' and 'Knight Rider.'

It's tough out there, but obviously I have a lot of great memories and a lot of pride for being a part of the Rockets organization.

I think the more wins you have, it shows that your players are more talented so it opens up your ability to upgrade the team if necessary.

I used to get the question in Houston which was like 'What would you do if you had Shaq?' My answer was 'I would give Shaq the ball 100 times a game.'

I didn't think the worlds of theater and basketball intersected. I thought the Venn diagram would be one person: me. As it turns out, there are a few of us.

I believe in strong civil liberties and a government that intervenes if and only if there is a structural failure that private actions generally cannot solve.

Basketball is sort of an interesting sport that, you know, the top player on your team makes so much more of an impact than the top player in any other sport.

I didn't have, like, any way to penetrate organized sports. So I decided at that point that I had to be rich. If I was rich I could just buy a team and run it.

Ultimately you want to optimize championship probability over some window. But if you literally take that to the logical extreme, you would be doing crazy stuff.

Thank you to Josh Harris for the trust he has placed in me to lead the 76ers. I am humbled by the challenge and will work tirelessly to win the hearts of Philadelphia's legendary fans.

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